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  1. I had a choice (for the same sale price) to buy from the org store and I still bought it from X-Aviation. At this point (after some research) I don't even want the update because I'm afraid that this new version might not be fully stable or complete. So please accept my apologies and have a happy holidays.
  2. Thanks for the update.
  3. What I'm starting to deduce is that devs have to work within the limitations of X=Plane. I also use AS16/ASCA as a benchmark to what I'm hoping is possible in XP 10 & 11. It's the features I'd like to see in the sim, but it doesn't matter how I get them: SMP v4 + RWC + FSGRW The new add-on recently released comes close to depicting the weather as AS16/ASCA, but it's still in the early stages. I appreciate and will always support devs who strive for excellence customer satisfaction and you guys have proven that you do. Looking forward to SMP v4.
  4. Can you please post a pic in the VC at high altitude just to see how far the clouds extend to the horizon. I'd also appreciate a video showcasing transition from one front to another. Thanks.
  5. Tested SMP v3 & RWC in XP 11 b2 and it performs very well with sliders on default and looks good to me. I have not played with the haze settings, but it should look better once I lower the haze. I'm looking forward to v4.
  6. It has already been released to the org store. Maybe devs wants my future purchases to be done at the org store?
  7. Is it available to download from your server? Thanks.
  8. That is sick! Awesome. Thx.
  9. This is great news! I'm looking forward to getting this new plug-in on release.
  10. I think that I finally cracked the code. It's working now. All I did was enable "always track real date and time" and I did not see the dramatic pauses. I then disabled "always track real date and time" and it seems to be working. I did a few flights with FSGRW and saw just a few minor pauses. I will now lower some settings to see if I can completely eradicate the minor pauses.
  11. Yes sir. Tried default and lower settings and still get pauses. I can't be the only one that is having these pauses with real weather (xp 10 or fsgrw.) That would be hard for me to believe.
  12. Hi Alexander, I added that tweak the first time I installed XP 10. I'm up to 3 now. My problem is only when using real weather. This old topic is an example of what I'm dealing with: http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6284-sudden-changes-not-so-good/ Jose
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