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johnnykaercher last won the day on December 1 2017

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  1. I'm using MacOS Version 10.15.1 on an iMac Pro 3GHZ 10-core Intel Xeon W with 64GB DDR4 RAM with a Radeon Pro Vega 64X 16GB RAM. Attached are my log files for your review. Thanks for any help you can provide here! Johnny Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  2. I can't use the buttons on the iPad. I can turn it on and off, I can dim it but it won't brighten up even though it shows the arrow for it. I cannot click on the 3 icons on the iPad and have them do anything. The icon turns to a hand and you can click but nothing happens, no checklist, AviTab etc, just nothing. On a Mac if that helps. Not sure if it is supposed to be missing or not but there is also no Autopilot on/off switch. Goran suggested in the interim to map a button which I already have programmed on my HOTAS and that works for now. Johnny
  3. Thanks Cameron.... that worked. Yup, went and purchased it as soon as I got the email for the upgrade. Johnny
  4. I've tried several times using the OSX installer on a Mac and I get to the end and get an error "Unable to downlaod component Sundowner v2: Component file version does not match" I click IGNORE and then get an error writing file Cabin_Int.obj. I click OK and it just says installation complete but it really never completes. There isn't a folder for the Sundowner or any other installed files. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Johnny
  5. Just loaded the new version 1.1.6 and am only seeing 5 fps where I normally would see 30. Also on a Mac if that helps. Johnny
  6. Goran.... I'm on 11.26 and on a Mac (like Robder) and my side menu is missing. The TBM activated successfully and I even tried a fresh reload (shutdown and start) and the side menu is still missing. I will attach my log file as well.... Log.txt Johnny
  7. I'm going to add to this thread as someone who has X-Plane freeze after a moment or so after the systems are powered up. At this point I still have not been able to do anything with the TBM since purchase Friday night. I'm waiting patiently while you guys sort out the issues, but it does appear something is wrong with the Mac version. I'm attaching my log for your review. Nevermind the texture issue with Washington... have never seen that before this morning and wondering if something has gotten corrupted during the many attempts at trying to get the TBM working and it freezing forcing a "Force Quit". If you require some testing please let me know. Log.txt Johnny
  8. Last night it was raining HARD all the way from Nashville to Kentucky. I thought I'd go for a flight. So I loaded up and this is what I saw. The picture is from the sky after takeoff but you can see the clouds are all white. When sitting on the ground it actually lit up the ground like it was light. It did go away after I climbed out above the storm, but this was really odd. I had seen a post on the x-plane.org forums but did not see an answer, and figured it should be posted in this forum properly. Have you see this before? Is there a fix or anything I can provide the next time it happens that will help in troubleshooting this? Thank you, Johnny
  9. I'm just kidding... I love THIS plane! IXEG, your team has set a bar that I wish each developer could reach. Every system in this plane (except my weapons systems) is just exceptional. As a private pilot that will never be able to obtain a commercial license, much less get the opportunity to fly a 737 you guys have provided the closest thing to it that I will ever get. I can't thank you enough for your hard work. Although I only found out about your efforts and work last October I have been eagerly and patiently waiting and it was totally worth it! I love the tutorials and example videos and the flights I have done in it have just been the best. I hope your sales were through the roof and that you were well rewarded for your efforts! If I could make a future update request it would be flight attendants bringing me a mid-flight snack, or more importantly coffee! Happy flying to all! Johnny KTUS
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  10. I just assumed he meant Costumers.... as in: BWAHAHAHA
  11. BTW, (I'm a little late posting to this topic as I got X-Camera last month) but I wanted to thank you for raising this question and introducing me to X-Camera! It is by far one of my favorite plugins so far. Between this and X-Assign these are the first two things I go in and config for each aircraft and new aircraft I get or have. I use the TrackIR 5 on a mac and the X-Camera lets me control the limits and the views perfectly. I love being able to set my views and have it automatically disable the TrackIR for each view and re-enable for others. So again thanks for the introduction to this plugin! Johnny
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