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  1. What about a Fiji livery for the classic?
  2. Looking very nice. And another important question now. How much?
  3. Well, going by the screenshots, that is it. It looks MUCH better. My big concern with SMP3. xx was the cloud draw distance. That "flying in a sandbox" feeling. If the developers of SMP sorted out this matter for once and all, you may have a "new" customer. :-) One question though, and please be gentle with me on this: How will it run on a 2 GB VRAM card? I can't afford one of those monster 6+GB VRAM cards right now.
  4. Then I am very disappointed in this product if it is a feature by design.
  5. Hi, I've noted something that may need SMP developers attention. When cruising at altitude(FL320 to FL400), there are some yellowish cirrus clouds moving with the aircraft at the same speed. XP 10.50 SMP 3.2.2 Thanks, Johan Jacobs.
  6. Thanks for the update. It woks like a charm. Your hard work and commitment is showing. The F/D master light now stays on after engaging the A/P. I can engage VNAV without enter any STAR for my arrival which is a HUGE improvement. And then afterwards, in cruise, I can enter my STAR without any problems. I've notice that when enter my route from FACT to FAOR which is TETAN UZ2 NIBEX, that the TETAN way point is omitted as soon as I press enter on the FMC. Is that because the SID is TETA1C? In other word TETAN is the departing point for the SID RW01 TETA1C. Is that normal? Other than that It work flawlessly. Thanks, Johan.
    Than you very much for your time and effort. It looks fabulous.
  7. Today I step climb from FL320 to FL360 in cruise. I select 36000 feet on the MCP and then enter 360 in the cruise page of the FMC. As soon as I press enter a new way point, MB, has been added and the plane did a complete 180 turn and climbing to the new altitude selected. I then select the original way point on the FMC and the plane was on course again.
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