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Everything posted by stratone

  1. @kneighbour Could you explain the binding? Looking for the command but couldn't find it. I have still a key assigned to toggle NSW. Steering with the rudder pedals works for me only when pushing the tiller and toggle NSW. After flying the DD CH300 no other a/c wanted to steer the nose wheel anymore - therefore the assignment to a key. Edit: Just found the topic for the command.......
  2. Forgot to mention....opposite to sundog I had this problem with the menu bar from the first Beta XP 11 on and PB2 didn't change anything to me. Thai would say same same..... Re-size the window did not help for me either. Specs: Windows 10 / NVidia 1080 / 3.5 GHz CPU / 16 GB RAM
  3. Mashall, Cameron and all other...... I had the problem with no access to the top menu bar bevor installing SMP4/RWC too....(Carenado B200, IXEG and Aerobask Epic 1000). My workaround was: - make sure, XP11 is running in full screen simulator mode (Graphics > Monitor Conf.) - start the engines and switch on avionics, without avionics - no menu bar (Carenado and Aerobask) After that I have again access to the top menu bar. As long as I don't shut down XP11, I can change the a/c, AD or what ever, the menu bar is always access able. May be that helps. As a subscriber I would like to see more vid's from Marshall - with SMP4 !!!! And a remark to SMP4: Not really tested yet, but the performance is a question mark for me. Same scenery, same weather, different a/c - from 5 fps to 10 fps loss in regard to XP11 as it come's out of the box. Have to test it with XP10 and don't misunderstand, it's not a complaint. Best regards
  4. Hi Stringden, regarding EFASS and company route..... it is still working fine for me. Before and after 1.05. Using navigraph (1606). May be, you check the export-path in EFASS again. One time I got a msg like airport not found or so, redoing it and it was working. Could be a hicup..... Best regards
  5. stratone

    FL380A ?

    Hello, just get this funny constr. at least 3 times on my current Russia-Tour. Always the last WP of the route/first WP from approach. Of course I never tried this out and always changed it. RNAV behaves normal after change, all calculations including T/D where correct. I checked the according xml-flies from navigraph (1606), they are o.k. Best regards
  6. Chapot IXEG........Grate work. How you handle your baby is simply state of the art. All other publishers can take a closer look. Was flying 2 standard routes (Thailand) after the update. No problem to use FMS with Navigraph (was impossible before). THX guys. (X-Plane 10.45 Steam Edition / Navigraph latest rev. 1604)
  7. Also from me a big thank you to the whole team too...... I can highly recommend to follow the included tutorials made by Jan. They showing me the right approach to fly this lovely bird. Very different unlike usual, not sitting in the chair and let the "automat" flight an ILS-approach. It is not only a lot of fun, it is teaching me. Worth every cent. And for shure, they will continue their grate work.
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