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  1. Thanks will try that. If that doesn't work out, is there a way to convert the free castoring to plain old nose wheel steering?
  2. Hello, Having big problem with getting the SR22 Entegra series (ver 2.0.1) to steer properly. Castor wheel steering can be a challenge but the aircraft constantly turns to the left (even on calm days). This goes WAY beyond the expected torque induced tendency that requires me to exert full right rudder then brake to counteract the turn. Any suggestions? Thanks James
  3. Good point. Got it thanks. I'm flying (in real life) the older G2.
  4. Assuming I understand your SR22 "Load Manager" box correctly.... Fill:Max- currently indicates 45gal (of 46) each side. I'm assuming that means 45 usable fuel each side that results in a total of 90gal usable. It s/b- 40.5gal usable (of 42gal max each side) totaling 81gal (usable) or 84gal (total from both sides), 3 gal of which is unusable. 81gal is the number used for flight fuel planning purposes. Fill:Tabs- currently indicates 30gal each side- 60gal total. It s/b- 23.5 each side (usable)- 47gal total usable for flight planning purposes. ---- Also, I spoke with Nick at RSG and he fixed the problem found in the CommandMapping.ini. Audio panel lights now working (after I reminded him that the lights worked in the X-Plane 11 version of the RSG software. You should expect to see those changes from him . . . and I'm going to charge him a consulting fee. Just kidding. Thanks!
  5. "Engine sounds are improved in the coming 2.0.1 update." . . . OK looking forward to that update. "Are the audio panel lights not working on the 3D cockpit and/or the RSG hardware?" Ans: The RSG hardware. I have a feeling you are going to say speak to Nick or Dustin at RSG. Right?? What about my question on the fuel level question?
  6. Hi, thanks for the X-Plane 12 update! As a GA pilot with a Cirrus, I really appreciated this sim (coupled with RealSimGear hardware) as it closely matches the real experience. But I did notice a few things listed below: 1) Problem with the engine sound. It mutes out (kinda) after engine startup. So all during flight you hear nothing but fuel pump, radio traffic, etc.. And when I turn up the volume and land you'll hear a very loud screeching as the wheels touch down. This occurs with both the turbo and non-turbo variants and seems unique to TorqueSim SR22 as it doesn't happen with other X-Plane 12 aircraft. I was able to get it to work (better) by replacing the SR22 FMOD folder in X-Plane 12 with the SR22 FMOD folder from X-Plane 11. I do get a few error messages about the some other sound features but nothing critical. 2) I noticed that the COM1/2 and MIC1/2 lights on the GMA350 do not light up when selected as they do when running in X-Plane 11. 3) Fuel levels: Fuel at tabs should be 47 gals (23.5 each side) and 81 total (usable) when topped off. Please advise. Thanks for a great product!
  7. Thanks Cameron.... just checking to see if there was any change and wondering about your timeline.
  8. Any update on XPlane 12 support for the SR22?
  9. Any idea when XPlane 12 will be supported for this package?
  10. Using dual 430s. See the attached log.txt file. Will run sim again and record the problem shortly. Thanks for the quick response! James Log.txt
  11. The DFC90 doesn't follow the active approach nor switches to APPR mode or arms the GS. When I press the APPR button, it just goes straight ahead. This is a new problem as it worked fine before. Don't know which files you would want to see if any.
  12. OK, the problem seems to have gone away after updating my NVIDIA card driver. I tried it several times after with none of the problems described earlier. Just to let others know in case they run into the same issue. I did notice that the 1.0.3 version of SR22 Series Entegra update somehow lost the hotspot to replace the CAPS card cover after the flight. I hovered the mouse all over the adjacent area (where it use to be) and found nothing. The hotspot to remove and replace the CAPS pin still works. Thanks, JAS
  13. any thoughts on how to resolve this problem?
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