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  1. Just added two more liveries for the IXEG to the org forums http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/36287-ixeg-737-300-jetblue-fictional/ http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/36170-ixeg-737-wizz-air-new-livery-fictional/
  2. SAS made a special livery for their 70 year anniversary. Would love to see this for the IXEG http://www.jetphotos.net/photo/8358196
  3. I think I have found the problem. I disabled the photoscenery for the Amsterdam area and now it works. Thank you very much for your help and time.
  4. Hi Jan, Thank you for the quick response. I will look into it. Not really a technical guy, but I am sure I will figure it out. Greetings, Comet133
  5. First of all I want to thank you for making this phenomenal aircraft. Sadly I ran into a problem last night. While flying to ENGM from EHAM, upon reaching the waypoint LIMBI x-plane crashed (did the flight 3 times to make sure it was this waypoint). I tried to reinstall w2xp, which didnt help. I also tried to fly it in different aircraft, the FF767 and the SAAB 340A, which didn't crash x-plane. So i figured it might be the IXEG 737. Hope you can do something with my log files. I'm using Navighraph cycle 1608 Greetings, Comet133 GizmoLog.txt IXEG_FMS_debug.txt Log.txt
  6. I would like to request a fictional livery. The Transavia livery, its originally for the B737 and B738. Thanks in advance.
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