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  1. Are there plans to implement support to allow the aircraft to run natively on Mac silicon?
  2. I am getting the same error as @frenchfly38 above but with CL650; running XP natively on M2. It fails version check suggesting bad internet connection. I am positive that the internet connection on my end is good. There is no VPN. I am able to post this message, among other internet access related things. This means that the aircraft does not activate. The Mac plugin was installed following the directions from here: https://blog.x-plugins.com/2023/02/gizmo64-version-23.html. The plugin was last updated in Feb of 2023 it seems. Is there an update expected soon? CL650 is the only aircraft in my hangar that cannot be used natively on Mac. Thnx! Edit. Noticed a momentary message that appears right before the message in the screen shot. It says that the version file has expired. Then it switches to the message in the screen shot. Log.txt
  3. Thnx for this, a lot! Noticed that GLASS acf file is not included. Is it possible to include the updated glass acf as well? Thnx.
  4. Just the news I was waiting for. Thank you!
  5. I am positive I did no such thing! This is right after installing the latest and the greatest XP12 update. It went away on restart. Log.txt
  6. MB PRO M2 MAX 32GB w/Ventura 13.3.1 XP12.05 B3 Hey guys...just got CL650. When trying to activate it: A) type the email into the email field of the activation window; command-v the password into the the activation window -> XP12 freezes. Sound is working. The only way out is to force close XP12. After restart of XP12 I tried again. This time it worked. Log files attached: 1. Log - Feeze.txt - 1st attempt to activate when XP12 froze 2. Log.txt - after 2nd attempt to activate, which worked with no issues Thnx. Log - Freeze.txt Log.txt
  7. YYZ342

    Power Levers

    1.6.5 Power cannot be adjusted anywhere in the range from 85 to 40. I am using TM Hotas. Slightest touch of the Hotas sends the torque down to 40 or right up to 85. I cannot establish power setting anywhere between 40 and 85. This is not the Hotas issues I do not believe. Exactly the same behavior is observed when trying to move the power levers with the mouse. This makes for excessive fuel burn; unstable approach. Did any one else notice this, or am I missing a setting? Thnx a lot. Cheers.
  8. Hey guys. On 11.51r1 the scenery continues to complain AND now the buildings and other static objects are missing except the static planes, the runway and Orthos are there. This is an issue with custom scenery and just the Xplane stock scenery. I tried to reinstall the KEYW scenery; run Xorganizer with no success to get the scenery to work. Log and scenery packs files attached. Any thoughts? Thnx. scenery_packs.ini Log.txt
  9. Same issue here: 1:12:01.134 E/SCN: IDX index is out of range - the OBJ file is bad. Got index 1257 but we have 120 tris and 0 lines 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: There was a problem loading the scenery package: 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Custom Scenery/KEYW Key West International/ 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: The scenery may not look correct. 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Please see the Log.txt file for detailed error information. 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/OBJ/OBJ_read.cpp:661 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: | There was a problem loading the scenery package: 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/KEYW Key West International/ 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: | The scenery may not look correct. 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: | Please see the Log.txt file for detailed error information. 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: | (OBJ_read.cpp:661) 1:12:01.134 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:12:01.182 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/KEYW Key West International/objects/icarus/Lights/10m_spil_white.obj: 1:12:01.182 E/SCN: IDX index is out of range - the OBJ file is bad. Got index 1257 but we have 120 tris and 0 lines 1:12:01.399 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/KEYW Key West International/ships/liner.obj:266006: 1:12:01.399 E/SCN: LIGHTS 0 1 is out of range; OBJ file is bad. What exactly does LR mean by may not look correct only LR can answer. Cheers
  10. Thnx very much for the encouragement and advise. I truly appreciate it! Cheers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. YYZ342

    Throttle Issues

    Thnx for the idea! I will try it. Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Very good points, totally agree. I myself have been simming for over 30 years. Have some hours in real A319 sim that rl pilots train in. Have taken C172 for a spin a few times. The issue I have is not the aircraft itself. I am certain it is terrific. The issue I have is with what seem to be constant bugs, for me with my set up. I did not hit the floor with the tail here. I blew the engine mid air because how sensitive the throttle is, has a mind if it’s own...again just saying in my set up. Then it just would not reset. So just a bug I suppose. I shall keep trying to get the hang of this bird. [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Thnx. This worked.
  14. This is turning out to be an aircraft that can be described as lots of work for little play...take a look at the pictures. I crashed...again...but now in v1.1.4 this is how it re-loads. I created new frame. Deleted all other frames via Airframe Manager just to be on a safe side. It does not fix the issue, the plane just loads up and sits with nose up. Now what? lol Seriously for this much money I get that options offered with the aircraft are unique, new, and perhaps are great, etc, etc...but with all issues I am hiving this thing just does not like me or something...getting fed up.
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