Tom, I appreciate your honesty as this situation has unfolded and understand your rationale. I can't help but feeling, however, that as an exclusive XP9 user I've been left to twist in the wind on this one. I purchased this aircraft as part of the holiday promo last year, and the newsletter really did not convey that the update would be for XP10 only. In fact, my purchase decision was made based on an expected XP9 update coupled wih the discounted price at the time. If this XP10 only decision for the update was inevitable as you say, that info really should have been included prominently in the promo newsletter. I've made my feelings known to Cameron and politely requested a refund, who essentially said, "sorry, all sales are final, but you got a great deal anyway and you can still use the old version in XP9". That's for me to decide BTW, but I certainly am not geting what I thought I was paying for. It pains me to say that if X-aviation is more interested short term profits than treating an honest paying customer fairly, it will be an easy decision to take my future business elsewhere. It really is a shame, because there are several incredibly talented developers here, yourself included, and I would hate to miss out on some of the releases in the pipeline. No hard feelings toward you specifically, but the response I received from X-Aviation has been somewhat of a head scratcher.