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Everything posted by Beej

  1. Simon - since you're an ex-Pom then perhaps the equivalent would have been Virgin Ginge (I lived in London for 10 years...). I think the "Blue" is a true story since I recollect it coming from Richard Brandon himself in an interview. Classic! Beej
  2. Yes, a great pity, and the loss of a piece of classic Australian ironic slang. I believe it was called Virgin "blue" because the livery was red. In Australian slang people with red hair are often called "Bluey" or "Blue", although it seems to be being replaced by "Ranga"! cheers, Beej
  3. Dont forget those great "Aussies" Crowded House as well..... although I'm hoping our Kiwi bro's will take back Russell Crowe one day... Beej
  4. Yes, that FAQ was complete gobbledegook to me although I'm moderately computer literate just not on networks. Perhaps I'm being a little repetitive Morten so I apologise but under "flight data" do you see "device location services" then under that "X-Plane on" (or similar subnet). If so, the ipad (in my case) wont actually talk to X-Plane unless you highlight "X-Plane on". If that all looks fine, try loading a flight plan into the FMC, go to FMC/EFIS on Airtrack and see if you have success! Beej
  5. Morten, I have a Mac/Airport extreme set up and initially had problems. First, I didnt have the plug-in but you have that covered. Then, I could get it to work (on my iPad) only by connecting it directly via USB (does that work for you?). In the end, it was a simple fix - under the home screen with "Flight Data"/Device Location services" I selected it by touching then away it went wirelessly. Hope this helps. Beej
  6. Best $10 I ever spent on X-Plane - great add-on! Beej
  7. The combination of the sound, soundtrack and the camera angles make it a superb example of X-Plane. My favourite moment was the stall turn - it reminded me of my all-time favourite Top Gear clip - Bugatti Veyron vs Eurofighter - when the Eurofighter is on the return leg it performs a beautiful looping turn (immelman?) and the camera catches it right at the apogee in slo-mo. Wouldnt mind a Veyron though......... Beej
  8. Simon - I have to say I think this is the best video I have ever seen for X-Plane.... Fab. Beej
  9. +1 for you Rush - light at the end of the tunnel
  10. Now, that's a positive! .... if we keep the ads then maybe we could mandate that they only have policies in them, that way there wouldnt be too many....
  11. Hi Kesomir, You're right of course, many people would feel that way if given the "choice". Our "informal" vote hovers around 1-2% but in the election where we have just had where people are generally quite disillusioned it pushed up to 5% in some electorates - an historic high. It's interesting psychology since this has always been our system we accept it for its positives rather than the "loss of freedom" that it theoretically represents - the democratic right not to exert your democratic right!!!! Ironic! I'm certain that if we had a non-compulsory voting system and had a referendum to change it to "compulsory" the proposal would not have a hope of passing. As I said, interesting national psychology... Beej
  12. It's great.... I have lived my life (so far) in a few countries and the thing that many find perplexing about Australia is "compulsory voting". I find "non-compulsory" voting just as weird..... Plus, it's usually a great opportunity to buy a few cakes and support the local primary school! B.
  13. Beej

    Amazing escape!!!

    I think that Austin's favourite Cirrus has one, and they make them for Cessna light GAs and a few others. B
  14. Beej

    Amazing escape!!!

    ballistic parachute system in action! Amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PaxZoLE-EM&feature=player_embedded Beej
  15. Simon, Keep the reviews coming along. Reviews are by definition opinion pieces and the most useful ones are those that actually do take a position on a product/service then justify that position. I'm definitely not Org bashing here but I find the completely non-critical approach to reviewing there a bit of a nonsense. People really need to get independent information about what's good, and what's bad (and why...). I think the most important thing in any review process is consistency in application of standards and making certain that the "ratings" match the commentary. I certainly wouldn't worry about getting critical comment - it goes with the territory. Do you think that restaurant critics (think John Lethlean in The Australian - an example you may know) don't receive vigorous "feedback" from the people that they eviscerate? I think it's important to listen to the feedback (if it appears), evaluate it, decide whether you have been true to your own values then move on to the next review. As far as certain developers insisting you don't review their product. Well, if you've purchased it and want to put an opinion on a blog, that's free speech! More power to you, and keep reviewing that same developer as long as you feel you can maintain "objectivity". A final word on objectivity to bring us back full circle - reviewing is subjective - we all have pet hates (ie some won't rate an aircraft at all if it doesnt have a 3D cockpit..) just as long as "pet hates" are out there for all to see - it's all fair, especially if people have the opportunity to publicly respond - a possibility, I might mention, denied to most movie , restaurant etc reviews. Keep at it and have at it, full steam ahead! Be fearless, fair, and fun! Beej
  16. Hi there BC, I am far from a scenery developer and so am of no practical help to you. Others here hopefully will have the expertise you need. However, if not, could I suggest that one useful approach might be be to contact Ben Supnik? He seems to be one of the "go to" guys on these things and I enjoy reading his blog (the bits of it I can understand) and he seems helpful. best Beej
  17. Heavies, please. Having said that most seem to be at some stage of development throughout the various forums and there is the "secret" project over at XPFW (747?). Obviously all of the highest current freeware heavies have their own particular strengths and weaknesses. X737 (v4...?) has good systems, probably good obj modelling in V4 but no 3D pit, XPJ 777 we are yet to see the final but I expect it will have great obj, flight model and vector graphics cockpit but maybe weaker on "systems. Then XPFW 757 - a classic - beautiful to fly and the first of a new generation but a bit "tired" now. Rather than go on - if I had my choice of a "platinum" standard heavy (or two..) they would be (in order). I have flown a few times now on the A380 (and again in a week) and it's very comfortable but I think lacking the "grace" of the three I list below and if I get an A340 I get to play with Airbus FBW, AP anyway..... B747-400 B777-300 A340 best to all Beej
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