Hallo I've bought the CRJ just 2 days ago. Amazing addon...never seen something like this before in X-Plane But....i'm having some trouble with the flight director. For example flying manually an ILS with flight director engaged, approach armed, the bars do not give the right indication to follow the glide and the localizer. Also in every vertical modes, when flying the plane manually, the flight director doesn't lead you to the desired vertical speed, or at the altitude hold, ecc. Another example: i'm flying north, i engage HDG and set the heading bug to 090. The vertical bar of the flight director never center when i reach 25 or 30 degrees of bank during the turn but remains all the way on the right. Never seen a flight director working that way. The problem is just mine or the FD is just not working correctly for every one else? Hope my english has been at least understandable Thanks in advance. Best regards Francesco