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Everything posted by seth

  1. this is exactly what i have with almost every flight which is more than 60 min. This time when i had this frame-drop appeared , i tried something different. I increased/decreased just the cloud covered area sq/m number , which always had a positive feedback ( gain fps) but just for a while...!
  2. today i made 2 flight routes just to be 100% sure regarding this weird "frame drop" issue. LSGG-EGLL: the Sky while the plane was still in the airport was busy enough with clouds. fps was stable to 35 - 50 even in a payware busy aiport like LSGG. during the flight frames were stable to 35 - 40 and after 1h and 20 minutes fps had a huge drop to 08 - 15 fps ... couldnt even continue the flight as everything was like in slow motion with stutters and lagging. tried to decrease cloud/terran blend and Cloud shadows and i had again the stable fps to 30-40 but just for a while ! then again the frame drop appeard. when i disabled SMP and RWC with the default X-plane clouds + FS global real weather everything was stable and smooth with average fps 40 to 60. LGAV- LIRF: same story but with less clouds during the flight. the weird part here is that i tried to increase this time the cloud area covered sq.km and i had a huge increase from 15 fps to 50 fps .....but that was just for 3 to 5 minutes , then again the weird frame drop appeared. For some reason every change that i make on skymaxx pro panel affects positive the fps but just for a while. i had Skymaxx 2 and 3 and i never had similar issues like that. I think everything started after 3.1 update release ( if i remember correct ).
  3. i confirm 100% as i made all the tests with or with out HD mesh , w2xplane, and high/low rendering settings. I dont think its a general resource management issue as with X-plane default clouds + FS global read weather + Hd mesh + w2xplane flight route runs smooth with out any issue ( stable to 30 fps ) Looks like something is working behind when Skymaxx and real weather connector is enabled. Ultra weird issue as my cpu, vram and ram when i am running x-plane is not even on 60% of full use... also its really important that i am not the only one with the same fps "weird" drop issue , as you could see from this topic other people ara facing the same exactly problem. thanks
  4. i was suprised as with the new nvidia gtx driver everything was smooth even with heavy clouds/weather ...but after 1 hour of flight near EGGL again this weird frame drop appeared. I checked on skymaxx panel my vram and i have alsmo 1500 mb still available... this is really weird and as you see some other people have exaxtly the same issue. Skymaxx pro 3 is by far the best add-on in X-plane right now but for sure there is an issue here with the fps as its impossible to make a normal flight. X-plane default clouds with fs global real weather works perfectly , smooth even in the worst weather conditions , with HD mesh enabled and ultra high rendering settings. regarding the frame drop hit ..its always unexpected after some minutes or even 1 hour after a flight....even sometimes with a really good weather conditions with rare clouds
  5. 368.39 , but at the end of the route near EGLL i had again frame drop even with 368.81....so it was not nvidia driver. from 30 fps i had again this weird frame drop to 08- 15
  6. Just downloaded new GTX driver ( 368.81) and so far during my flight from LSGG to EGLL fps stays stable and smooth ( from 30 to 60 ). try to enable v-sync to ON ( i always had this to half adaptive , but now with On everything run smooth) thread optimization always to Off ( even that gives more fps is reasponsable for stutters etc ) power management : Maximum pefromance and use single pc performance mode i am near EGGL airport and didnt have any frame drop till now ... so i think it was nvidia driver issue and not SMP...
  7. you could check this topic : similar issues and Sundog stated that is possibly v-ram limitation.
  8. i have exactly the same issue. After 20 or 30 minutes of flight , from 30 fps i am getting stable 08 to 12 fps with not even many clouds or bad weather. When i disabled SMP & RCW fps return to 30 and everything is smooth....for sure this is weird as i am having also gtx 980 and i never pass the limit of 4g vram
  9. log.txt attached. I will try to re-download and re-install smp 3.2 i always have some errors with some extra airports but 100% this has nothing to do with the frame drop. thanks for all your efforts Log.txt
  10. thanks for your fast replay. i made all tests including minimum cloud area, shadows,cloud terain,puff rotation...everything to minimum. I reduced all rendering settings including hdr etc ... no result.... i had always this weird frame drop during the flight ( after 20 -30 minutes of flight). I disabled even any custom sceneries like HD mesh, W2xp and simheaven photosceneries/ something important: When i have this frame drop on x-plane frame/gpu/cpu panel i could see large numbers on cpu expect gpu... for example when i had 8 frame/sec i had 0.122 on cpu and 0.123 gpu. conclusion : when i make a flight with Default x-plane clouds while using quite High rendering settings and Fs global real weather everything is smooth and nice. when Skymaxx pro 3.2 is enabled ...unfortunately i always have this annoying frame drop which is impossible to make the flight route. I am using also the real weather connector. and by the way i never touch the limit of my Graphic Card V-Ram ...i always somewhere to 3500 to 3700 mb or even less ( 980 gtx 4g)
  11. i had the same fps issue , for some reason during every flight ( even with not so many clouds and good weather conditions) fps drops from 30 to 10. I made all the tests with and with out HD mesh scenery , w2xp sceneries, lower texture resolution , low rendering settings ....the result was the same. Only when i disable Skymaxx pro 3.2 , fps returns to stable number ( 30 as i have adaptive Half refresh rate vertical sync). the weird part is that i didnt have any frame drop when i used x-plane default clouds even in a really bad weather conditions. i use 980gtx with 3930 i7 to 4.7 ghz. and 32g ram 2133 , 100% there is an issue with Skymaxx pro 3.2 as i didnt have any issue with 3.0 release. Also this frame drop comes always after 20 or 30 minutes of flight. attached some snapshots during the flights with skymaxx pro 3.2 always enabled Photos that have 30 fps description are in the beginning of the flight route where everything was perfect with out any issue , but after 20 or 30 minutes there is always a frame frop even with less clouds ( check attached photo)....this is weird ... i have always to disable/enable skymaxx to work everything perfect ..but i have to make it 3 or 4 times during the flight. thanks Seth
  12. Hi same issue here...huge frame drop from 30 ( as i am using half adaptive vsync from Nvidia control panel) to 9 or 10. When i disable SMP 3.1 framerates are back to 30s. CPU: 3930k ( OC 4,7 ) , GTX 980 , 32g ram 2133 and X-plane 10 installed on SSD. the weird part is that i have a frame drop during the flight and sometimes with out any clouds...around. Reducing "the cloud are covered" to 2000 km from default settings indeed fix the issue ...but is this normal ? beside that SMP 3.1 is amazing and for sure the best add-on on XP10
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