i had the same fps issue , for some reason during every flight ( even with not so many clouds and good weather conditions) fps drops from 30 to 10. I made all the tests with and with out HD mesh scenery , w2xp sceneries, lower texture resolution , low rendering settings ....the result was the same. Only when i disable Skymaxx pro 3.2 , fps returns to stable number ( 30 as i have adaptive Half refresh rate vertical sync). the weird part is that i didnt have any frame drop when i used x-plane default clouds even in a really bad weather conditions. i use 980gtx with 3930 i7 to 4.7 ghz. and 32g ram 2133 , 100% there is an issue with Skymaxx pro 3.2 as i didnt have any issue with 3.0 release. Also this frame drop comes always after 20 or 30 minutes of flight.
attached some snapshots during the flights with skymaxx pro 3.2 always enabled
Photos that have 30 fps description are in the beginning of the flight route where everything was perfect with out any issue , but after 20 or 30 minutes there is always a frame frop even with less clouds ( check attached photo)....this is weird ... i have always to disable/enable skymaxx to work everything perfect ..but i have to make it 3 or 4 times during the flight.