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Everything posted by superxpilot

  1. Such nice manners ... Yet we still are waiting - your condescending 'threat' came to nothing, Skipp.
  2. 1 week.. Amazing...
  3. Metal, confirmed ! Amazing visuals, simply stunning
  4. Releasing updates on the weekend... Have devs no soul?!
  5. Jaw to the floor... A really 'real' 773 in X-plane. Really hope it isn't a project that fades into nothing,... Amazing detail here. Great work.
  6. I am very happy with the updates given since v3 shipped and the dev is very co-operative and fair. V4 has been announced here and has some great features and am sure more information will be known once it is released. Looking forward to it. This is > not < a forced upgrade people. Seriously, first world problems... !
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