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  1. Thank you, but the circle not transparent, is normal too?
  2. i has a similar problem, the vor CDi is not transparent, and i see lines in the panel
  3. Thank you, very much
  4. my graphics settigns, then 2 screenshot from my fly with dark circle. and 2 screenshot, from youtube with other aircraft with circle transparent. My aircartf some times is dark, some times is transparent. Now is dark and i don`t now how turn it transparent again
  5. And, some hours after, the cdi turn dark again. i think that the problem is issue of aircraft
  6. Aparentely the probmen was solvet itself, i change anysotropic filterin from 1 to 2, and the circle turned transparently again.
  7. these is
  8. Hello, in PFD syn terrain vision, why some times the cdi circle es transparent, and other times no? can any help me please.
  9. hello, i isnatlling tha aircraft in X-plane 11. after install, there is a mesaage "updating license", wen i make lick, the x-plane crash, in log say: "This application has crashed because of the plugin: [XPLM_PLUGIN_XPLANE]}"
  10. thakn you. for practice i has make the Vor App manual with vor frecuences and crs. In the real life, ocasionally the pilots must make manual approach for training. thank you for the answers
  11. Hi, the problem is "conditional waypoints" i think, in LESO VOR rwy 22 App.
  12. i will try but, the problem is that before intercep D165V start turn to right side.
  13. Hi, i love this airceraft, but, alwayz, in VOR app, the plane don´t go the correct route, and in some ils the same, foe example LFML ils 32R Z, IAF calan, STAR Lanko8C. in the final the aircraft most go at nex poit and began to go at the right side. in the picture you can see the aircraft going at right alone to the correcto route point. The same happend in VOR App, in VOR i must take the control in the approach because the plane don´t make the route in autopilot. anyoine now wath happends? o maybe i has make some mistake?
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