X-Plane world Links. Official X-Plane site http://www.x-plane.com -The X-Plane developer site. Buy X-Plane and download Demo/Updates here. Forums, Pay-ware, and Freeware http://x-plane.org - The X-Plane mainstream, and community site. Also contains pay-ware store. http://www.flightsimx.co.uk - Don't let the name fool you, this is another X-Plane community site that covers X-Plane news, add-ons and more! (Thanks to FlightSimX for the link) http://www.avsim.com - X-Plane file library and forum. (Thanks to Geofa for link) Forums, Freeware http://xplanefreeware.net - XPFW Team located here. They develop some of the best airliners for X-Plane. http://www.x-plane.hu - Another community site, this time, for hungarian users! (Thanks to KSGY for the link) http://www.x-plane.it/ - An Italian community site containing some very nice scenery developed for X-Plane. (Thanks to Nik for the link) http://xpafrica.blogspot.com/ - An African community site containing scenery for X-Plane and the like. (Thanks to XPAfrica for the link) Forums http://plainlyxplane.blogspot.com - X-Plane commentary and product reviews. Real world aviation news and events of interest. (Thanks to DaveDuck for the link) (Only open by invite) Freeware, Pay-ware http://shadetreemicro.com - High quality pay-ware GA and Bush Planes for X-Plane. http://www.c74.net - Quality X-Plane pay-ware jets, GA, Helicopters, and concept designs. Freeware http://data.x-plane.com - The site where all of the latest nav and airport data is available from. (Thanks to Robin Peel for the link) http://www.ilmioatelier.com/I%20miei%20X-PlanesEN.html - An interesting Italian site dedicated to developing add-ons for X-Plane. (Thanks to CapnSully-Simon W for the link) Pay-ware http://www.x-scenery.com - A site devoted to making high quality pay-ware scenery and aircraft for X-Plane. http://www.jrollon.com - A site devoted to making high quality pay-ware and freeware aircraft for X-Plane. http://www.x-aviation.com - X-Plane payware site. Buy all kinds of add-ons for X-Plane here. http://www.xpjets.com - Devoted to making TOP NOTCH pay-ware aircraft for X-Plane. http://petersuv.vs120062.hl-users.com - High quality pay-ware airliners for X-Plane. http://forjets.netfirms.com - Historical heavy metal jets and GA pay-ware. http://myvirtualhanger.com - High quality Warbirds and GA for X-Plane. http://www.realscenery.com - Photorealistic pay-ware scenery for X-Plane.