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Everything posted by JBalsa

  1. Great shots! Beautiful scenery! Is the P92 worth buying? I might buy it, but there hasn't been any reviews of it, and I'm not prepared to go throwing my *little* cash around!
  2. So I just bought Nils Danielsson's Hawker Hurricane, and I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed. I heard about the two day 10 dollar off sale, and used my 5 dollar discount from when I bought V9 and bought this plane for only 9 bucks! Anyways, one of the best add-ons for X-Plane: (Click for larger image) And 2 others I thought I'd throw in there: (Click for larger image) A beutiful flight on vatsim from KLAX (hugh! Traffic there is HEAVY! ) to KVNY about 18 nm away. Takeoff in the mighty K-7.
  3. Very impressive! Do you plan on doing Canada?
  4. Ok, then that's good. I was told by Javier the price range would be around 70$. But that's that then. Thanks for clearing that up!
  5. Actually, I contacted Javier already. It states on my e-mail and on multiple forums that the price range for this craft will be $65 - $75. It's a price fit and reasonable to the CRJ-200 here, but for me, being 13, it is hard to get my hands on cash. So for me, the price is a tad bit high, but I'l save up the money.
  6. Insane work! I think the high price will be well worth it!
  7. For future reference, please PM me, and I will see to it that the link you want added is entered into the post. I will give credit in the description too. Thanks! - Jman
  8. Beautiful selection of music, and great effects!
  9. Here are a few programs that you can use to enhance the X-Plane experience with fps! 1: CPU: (DBoost is free) A GUI for the Renice command. What this does, is prioritize applications in the amount of CPU Cycles they get. DBoost (when running X-Plane) will run a renice command prioritizing X-Plane high; which will give X-Plane more CPU Cycles, thus allowing a higher frame rate in X-Plane. Available here: http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/DBoost-Download-5989.html 2: RAM: (iFree mem is 10 Pounds) A simple app that you can run before X-Plane that will free up plenty of ram, allowing more ram to be used in X-Plane. The result? Well, more fps! (Frame Per Second) Available here: http://www.activata.co.uk/ifreemem/ 3: GPU: (Secrets is free) This app is a bit different than the other two apps. This app has a feature that you can enable in it called "quartz extreme 2d" and "Quartz GL" These features enable some software that Apple has included with all macs. The only reason it's not used, is because it's buggy with certain software. I find that it works well in X-Plane, and increases fps by about 10 - 14 fps. USE CAUTION WITH THIS SOFTWARE, IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, IT CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS TO YOUR SYSTEM! Available here: http://code.google.com/p/blacktree-secrets/downloads/list Note: This app can be used to access multiple other features in OSX as well. Hopefully this has helped some of you in your toil to find greater frames per second in X-Plane without spending 1000's of dollars! Happy landings - Jman
  10. My apologies. :-[ I'm just getting used to these new forums...
  11. Don't forget to watch in High Quality! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GapNWtwvyGQ
  12. Thanks for formatting it a bit more! Looks better. I will update the post as necessary to add new links, and delete/ fix old ones.
  13. X-Plane world Links. Official X-Plane site http://www.x-plane.com -The X-Plane developer site. Buy X-Plane and download Demo/Updates here. Forums, Pay-ware, and Freeware http://x-plane.org - The X-Plane mainstream, and community site. Also contains pay-ware store. http://www.flightsimx.co.uk - Don't let the name fool you, this is another X-Plane community site that covers X-Plane news, add-ons and more! (Thanks to FlightSimX for the link) http://www.avsim.com - X-Plane file library and forum. (Thanks to Geofa for link) Forums, Freeware http://xplanefreeware.net - XPFW Team located here. They develop some of the best airliners for X-Plane. http://www.x-plane.hu - Another community site, this time, for hungarian users! (Thanks to KSGY for the link) http://www.x-plane.it/ - An Italian community site containing some very nice scenery developed for X-Plane. (Thanks to Nik for the link) http://xpafrica.blogspot.com/ - An African community site containing scenery for X-Plane and the like. (Thanks to XPAfrica for the link) Forums http://plainlyxplane.blogspot.com - X-Plane commentary and product reviews. Real world aviation news and events of interest. (Thanks to DaveDuck for the link) (Only open by invite) Freeware, Pay-ware http://shadetreemicro.com - High quality pay-ware GA and Bush Planes for X-Plane. http://www.c74.net - Quality X-Plane pay-ware jets, GA, Helicopters, and concept designs. Freeware http://data.x-plane.com - The site where all of the latest nav and airport data is available from. (Thanks to Robin Peel for the link) http://www.ilmioatelier.com/I%20miei%20X-PlanesEN.html - An interesting Italian site dedicated to developing add-ons for X-Plane. (Thanks to CapnSully-Simon W for the link) Pay-ware http://www.x-scenery.com - A site devoted to making high quality pay-ware scenery and aircraft for X-Plane. http://www.jrollon.com - A site devoted to making high quality pay-ware and freeware aircraft for X-Plane. http://www.x-aviation.com - X-Plane payware site. Buy all kinds of add-ons for X-Plane here. http://www.xpjets.com - Devoted to making TOP NOTCH pay-ware aircraft for X-Plane. http://petersuv.vs120062.hl-users.com - High quality pay-ware airliners for X-Plane. http://forjets.netfirms.com - Historical heavy metal jets and GA pay-ware. http://myvirtualhanger.com - High quality Warbirds and GA for X-Plane. http://www.realscenery.com - Photorealistic pay-ware scenery for X-Plane.
  14. Ok, I run boot-camp on my iMac, and it runs Vista. Because Vista has newer ATI Drivers, and Direct X 10, I can run X-Plane 9 nearly maxed out and get around 30 - 90 fps depending on weather and location. The reason it runs so slow for me on OSX 10.5.6 is because the last ATI Drivers for my card were released in 2005! I am going to switch to Vista for X-Plane over the long weekend. On the same settings: Vista: 30 - 90 OSX: 5 - 30
  15. So I just had a question: I bought a late 2007 iMac (2.8ghz duo core 2gb RAM ATI Mobility Radeon pro 256 mb VRAM 4mb l4 cache) but it seems that it simply isn't cut up to handle X-Plane. I can run X-Plane on windows XP at extremely high fps, but some planes don't work. Does anybody know of any software or anything of the sort that may speed up X-Plane? Otherwise, I may switch my boot camp to Win XP and run it on that. Thanks! - Jman
  16. Is it just me, or did X-Plane productivity just skyrocket 500%?
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