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Everything posted by JBalsa

  1. Gilben, I have a similar issue: I use a 2nd joystick to view the VC in X-Plane. I was frustrated with the view returning to center, so I emailed Austin. He says that he will make the interior viewing match the exterior viewing; so the camera won't return to center, it will stay were you moved it to. Happy landings - Jason
  2. Wow! The first picture almost looks real! That cockpit is to die for!
  3. Well, I'm not sure that X-Plane utilizes both cards. It will use one, but not the other. Mind you, I am only following up on a topic I read on X-Plane.org If you use applications other than X-Plane that are GPU intensive, then go for it. But don't go wasting your money if you don't need to. -Jason
  4. X-Plane doesn't seem to like SLI and dual cards. I've heard reports at X-Plane.org that dual video cards actually DEGRADE X-Plane's performance. I think your best bet is to buy one higher end card. Plus, that 512mb card you listed in single format shouldn't have a problem running X-Plane. - Jason
  5. Well, when you quit a program prior to running X-Plane, the prior running program still leaves some data in the ram, so when you use this program it gets rid of the previous data that was left in the ram. This of course gives X-Plane a bit more room to work with, not just the load times. P.S. Don't run the program while running X-Plane; bad things happen... :'( Happy landings - Jman
  6. This must have just come out then. I looked not too long ago, and it said that Intel was unsupported. Thanks SO MUCH! I'm going to give it a try and post back. EDIT: I tried it with my Saitek, but it was not recognized. I ran the test application, and it said it was not compatible. I emailed the maker to see if he could add a bit more compatibility. I tried it with 2 joysticks, and it didn't work with either.
  7. Nope, it doesn't work. It says on the site PPC only. I still tried it, and X-Plane 9 didn't even recognize it, even after getting rid of all my plugins.
  8. Hmm... this would be cool. There could also be hotkeys built in, but I do believe that is also simulated in izicam.
  9. Setanta, I have to disagree with you on the renice command. I (and others with low CPU speeds) notice a great increase in cpu speed. It is very good if you are running iTunes or something in the background. The renice command is more for older computers. As for your second point, if you quit an application or something that was previously running, the data from that program does not go away. It still stays in the memory. So when you run this free up at the start of X-Plane, you are getting rid of all of the other programs garbage that was left behind, allowing X-Plane a bit more ram. If the other program is no longer running, then the data from that program won't go back into the ram. And please, don't smite me on my karma if I am not correct on a comment, I'm only 13 here. :-[
  10. Thanks allot! I did the test, and it works great. It's helped me out allot.
  11. Well, seeing that the last ATI drivers that came out for the mac was in 2005! I get WAAAY better fps on windows through bootcamp due to the newer drivers.
  12. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=PMDG
  13. This looks interesting. How do we change it to run the test on different directories? My X-Plane file is located in a folder on my desktop.
  14. Have you reported these to Austin? Email him about these issues. Just look up X-Plane bug reporter on Google.
  15. Yeah, stick with 9.2 for now. This error will be fixed either with the 9.3 final, or in a later RC update which should only take about a week to come out.
  16. I noticed the "stuttering" only in 9.3. I run a similar system, except with 2gigs ram and and 256mb vram. In 9.22 the fps are smooth, and X-Plane runs fine, but in 9.3, the fps are terrible. I think this is a shader optimization issue. Try updating to 9.22 and see if it still happens. The stuttering is supposed to go away soon after the 9.3 final release when the shaders are completely optimized.
  17. Yeah, I tried to make a LIT texture, but the I couldn't get the full plane lit. The engines still had daylight textures on them.
  18. Mind you, a CRJ-900 has a different landing gear system, and some other features that the 200 does not have. I don't think he can do it, but I won't speak for him. Happy landings - Jman
  19. About the tires screaming at 4 mph and the brakes not working proper, or the helicopter skids not working, I am talking with Austin about redoing some coeficients to make the ground model more realistic.
  20. I just took a shot at making my first livery. I used the included paint kit that came with the MU-2. It's available here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=7640 Enjoy! - Jman
  21. My system: Late 2007 iMac 2.8 ghz Pentium extreme 7900 duo core 2gb SO-DIMM 667mhz DDR2 ram ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 256mb dedicated vram 24 inch monitor at 1920x1200 I run X-Plane at moderate settings (Very high textures, buildings default, most things at default fov: 66) and I get around 40 - 90 fps everywhere.
  22. Ok, I have added a poll! Thanks Indi! Vote away guys!
  23. Okay, So I talked with my parents about which plane I should pick, and though the difference in price is a determining factor, I can choose which plane would suite me the most. Tomorrow I will post a poll on the .org forums. (Because polls aren't available here) I am still probably sticking with the 152. Thanks! - Jman
  24. Thanks for the response Nick, I don't plan on flying a DA 20, a person at my flying club tried one, and said it wasn't "flying" it was sitting in a plane and moving a stick. I've heard that the Diamond is very weight limited (It's a 2 seater, and is very cramped) and is not fun to fly. Though I prefer a joystick, a yoke will do me just fine. One of the 152's at our flying club is very weight capable, and can hold (max) 37.5 gallons of useable fuel. It also has a fully featured ILS (The equipment it has is S/C, translating to standard equipment, and mode C transponder) and many other features that most 152's don't have. The 172 IMHO is far too big (Usually, you can't even fly 4 people in one, it may not exceed CG or weight limits, but it sure will be hard to fly) and much too pricy. I am lucky enough to live in a family that was successful financially, but I still don't want to cost them more than they need to pay. The 152 will do me just fine for now. I am only 13, I am legally allowed to start flying solo in July when I am 14. Most of the other other courses (Multi engine, IFR, Night Rating, Commercial) I can't go solo in until I am 17. Perhaps in the future I will fly a 172, but for now, I am perfectly suited for the 152. Does anyone know of anything that may prepare me for my training? A fellow student at the EFC lent me a program called "Comm 1 Radio Simulator" that has helped me allot in learning how to talk to ATC and memorize the Alphabet and Numeric system. Just a heads up on my training, I am currently still in ground school, I managed to pass the meteorology (commercial) level exam by a mere 1%! Our met instructor really gave us a hard time on our exams! I also passed my General Knowledge exam, I got about 70% on that one. (Not the highest marks, but I am really trying hard. At my age, it's not the easiest stuff to grasp) I am in Navigation right now. My membership with the flying club allows me to take the 4 modules of ground school as many times as I want within 1 year, so I am going to take the 4 modules twice, just to get the stuff in my head. Thanks for your help! - Jman
  25. I still think that the C152 is better for me. 1: It's a smaller plane, and it's a slower plane. I have 0 hours, and I don't want to jump right into the high tech. 2: Like Dhruv said, it will probably teach me more valuable lessons. With the Diamond, flying is easier, and prepares you less, keeps you less alert. 3: It's the cheapest model 4: It's been refurbished with new avionics and new upholstery etc. 5: It's more stable then the Diamond and requires much less compensation for turns, and stalls etc. Overall, the 152 is best for me as a starter plane. Perhaps I will take the Diamond when I start going for my night rating. The 172 is DEFINITELY out of the question. It's big, heavy, and expensive. Thanks for all of your replies! You guys have helped me make my decision. (And at the price, I think my parents will approve! ) Thanks allot! - Jman
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