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Posts posted by Cameron

  1. Thank you very much for the info, any advise I can get is great. 

    I contacted Saitek and they advised me their yoke, and all their products for the that matter, are not compatible with mac.  Do you, or anyone you know, use a mac for X-Plane?  I contacted CH and they advised me the controllers will work on the mac but the software for personalized configs is not compatible. 

    As has been said here, regardless of what Saitek says, the yoke and pedals DO work on the Mac.

  2. azpdec,

    This all depends on your financial situation as well. If you are looking to purchase some high quality, true-to-life feeling stuff, it's out there, but runs about $500 or so per yoke and pedal.

    If you're looking for something that works pretty well, then I'd suggest the Saitek yoke found here:


    A lot of people may also recommend the CH Products stuff, however, yoke wise, I would suggest the one above. For pedals, I would recommend the CH Products line here:


    Hope this somewhat helps! Welcome to the world of X-Plane. You've made a good choice! ;)

  3. Quite clearly, it's the aircraft type, not the modelling/sim representation that counts in this case.


    Quite true. I think what Tom's really trying to convey here is two things:

    1. It shouldn't be called "best of," but "peoples choice" or something similar to that nature.

    2. That as a person from MSFS coming to X-Plane for a first glance only to see something like that labeled as "best of" for X-Plane implies that it really IS the best it gets for X-Plane.

    The above second point should not be misconstrued to suggest that all of us don't appreciate others hard, free, and hobby-like work, but that the perception the actual vote title gives to the outsider can leave a lot to be desired and ultimately give a bad outlook on X-Plane itself in the sense that the aircraft voted "best" is certainly NOT the best potential that X-Plane has the ability to show or can is achievable. As it is, there are already plenty of MSFS users who have an automatic "ew" factor towards X-Plane for their own reasoning or another.

    Though this thread is more of a sarcastic message, it still has a comedic value to it. Worth a laugh and jab at least! ;)

  4. Have you considered some form of night lightning to cities when flying at dusk and dawn? I know the Megascenery team for MSFS photoscenery somehow found a way to do that with photoscenery, of course it was for the MSFS simulator and not X-plane, but anyway would be a nice feature of course.


    Hi, Mike,

    It's definitely been looked into. When, if, and how it gets put in is a whole other question.

  5. I think you can speak about some discount personally with Japo32 and ask CRJ command to give it to you. But it's private talk only... I don't think that this guys will lost a lot of moneys if they will give some discount for you personally. But everybody should remember how much time was spended by this team to create so beatiful (I believe so) model.

    Unfortunately, we can not do this. It's not fair to everyone else, and if we can do it for one, we need to be able to do it for all.

  6. Hmm, that's very strange.

    I flew an Air Canada Jazz CRJ-200 from CYEG - CYWG (Edmonton Intl to Winnipeg Intl) That plane had a 3x1 arrangement.

    I also flew an ERJ-145 that had a 3x2 arrangement. (A little off topic  ;) )

    I was very confused by the arrangement of the CRJ, and found it odd, but it was in fact so.

    I cannot find a chart of the arrangement anywhere however.

    That's perfectly Ok if the seating is 2x2. I was just under the impression that most CRJ's had 3x1.

    All three times i've been on the CRJ, they have all been 3x1. (I flew a 200 from CYEG - CYGW and then 2 200s from KORD - CYWG - CYEG)


    All Air Canada Jazz aircraft are 2x2 CRJ's, and any ERJ-145's are always 2x1...same with the EMB-120's. Not sure what aircraft you're confusing with, but Jazz certainly doesn't have any 3x1's.

  7. Javier, just out of curiosity, are you doing only the one seating arrangement?

    Of the three times I've been on the CRJ-200, the seating has always been three rows of seats on one side, and one row on the other.

    Sounds kind of strange that they'd do that.

    Looking excellent otherwise! Can't wait to buy her!


    Of the documentation I have, all docs state that the CRJ was only configured in 2x2 configuration. A 3x1 configuration in a CRJ would make it very hard to walk through, so I'd be curious to know what airline you speak of, and if you're getting the CRJ mixed up with another aircraft. So, if you don't mind, please share this information to verify.

  8. Because it's not that simple, Jason. This is not your standard, regular acf model that you can just go into PlaneMaker with.

    If you want to read up and understand why, please see the following post (#10):


    as well as further discussion here:


    One day this aircraft will have an integrated ADF. For now, we thought we would be nice to people who love the aircraft but have no means of ADF and release a plug-in like the above here. The other alternative was to make everyone wait months until we have the re-do finished. Would you have preferred that instead?

  9. can you assure me that if I spend my VERY hard earned $'s that you are

    giving me a fms that i will be able to program routes and load saved FMS plans?  

    I'll be happy to use the default x-plane FMS because it works. so are you saying that you guys have

    a diffrent FMS that is functional and not for looks?

    It would be pointless to simulate an aircraft like we are and not simulate one of the most essential components of it (FMS).

    So, to answer your questions, yes, I can assure you that the FMS will do most everything the real one does. This also means we have a different FMS than X-Plane uses, and it is functional and NOT for looks. As long as you're willing to read a manual or understand the CRJ systems already, you should have no issues programming in routes.

  10. I think it's normal price. Not high/not low.. just normal. I saw screens, video. I hope that FMS for this airplane will be not universal but for CRJ only (like original CRJ FMS). It's perfect acft for Xplane.

    The FMS will be that like you see for the real CRJ. It is NOT a universal FMC, but one specifically designed after the real CRJ-200's in the skies today.

  11. Hmm. 40 Dollars seems a bit steep.

    If price were a true function of price, then it would work... A really quality plane for a big price. But, you must realize, in the real world there is a ceiling to the price... after a certain point, the price becomes too much, no matter how good the plane is. It's a great, great plane, but I can't see myself spending $40 dollars on this... that's considerably more than X-Plane itself.

    $40 is hardly steep for a product that fully simulates an aircraft in almost its entirety. Not even the FMS is X-Plane technology, but custom plug-in, as well as the autopilot system and all displays. The aircraft cannot be started just by jumping in the cockpit and going, but by reading the manual and checklists and doing it just like the real thing. It is, in itself, a simulator within a sim!

    PMDG makes products that are $79+. Go figure there, right? Somehow, they are still about the most popular around for MSFS. I do believe that costs need to be justified, and I DO believe there is a threshold for costs of products ($79 is certainly pushing it quite a bit), but when you consider the man hours invested to do this stuff, it's insignificant. You'll get hours of enjoyment at your own disposal for the cost of a nice dinner at Olive Garden for two. Of course, if you can't manage that cost at this time it's understandable given the state of economies, but maybe it'll be something to gift yourself or save up for down the line should you want it that bad and are serious enough about how much you want to simulate in your X-Plane flights. The choice is yours...that's the beauty of it all! :o

  12. The one thing I think would be cool would be openable windows. (Great idea Maxime!)

    It wouldn't be too bad of a FPS hit if you could get a small texture hooked up to a dataref or manipulator. (Don't know anything about either)

    Let's just say 256x256 Or you can add it in with the 2048x2048.


    The texture is only a minimal portion of a moving window. Textures are not hooked to datarefs, objects are. This translates to more polygons per window, which ends up being wasted space for non-essential items.

  13. The first glance at your CRJ-200 interior i was shocked, can you add a washroom with an animated door?

    Some passengers would be great, and openable a closable windows

    These probably will not be implemented simply because they are a waste of polygons, which in turn can affect frame rates.

  14. Mike,

    Those shots weren't posted simply because I did a VATSIM flight with the intention of not doing low-city fly by's. :)

    I'm sure we'll get some low altitude shots up here sometime, and our bay area imagery as it stands is pretty hi-res. We WILL have add-on hi-res packages available for those that wish to take it a step further the same day, or right around, release day. They will be in the similar fashion of the Arizona HR series seen here:


    and here:


    SOCAL will see the light of day...soon. :o

    Thanks for your interest!

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