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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Is this after a fresh install of something with Gizmo, or a one-off that happened when you opened this aircraft?
  2. This already exists in the non persistent mode option. On the CL650 initial load screen, you can click the window to see the additional mode. It's been a while since I've used this mode, but as I recall it also has the pre flight items already done. Just so we're clear, there IS state saving. Not sure if you were aware of that, so mentioning it just in case you weren't just clarifying a difference.
  3. This is a known issue with Zink in general on drawn displays and affects numerous products. Laminar is aware of it and states at this time the problem is related to a driver bug at AMD. They have consistently tried to get AMD to resolve this to no avail as of now. In other words: there's nothing we can do about that.
  4. Once Laminar creates an API for this, yes. Until then, we wait.
  5. I don't mean for this to be rude, but instead factual: The sales numbers disagree with your assessment. This is based on sales data and product comparisons over a 15 years in business period. At this point in our business adventure, we know what sells and what the mass majority of the market seeks. We hit that mark pretty well on the 650. Your computer sounds taxed. More of a settings vs hardware compromise on a sim that uses more rendering resources than it's previous iteration (11 vs 12). How did you save the situation? If it's through the X-Plane menu, that's not going to work. Use the state save from the 650 menus instead. X-Plane's built in situation save system is very basic and cannot capture all the custom datarefs in a product like this.
  6. No. The code base work being done is significant enough that it will not work in X-Plane 11.
  7. These are internal X-Plane paths. It's also a crash within X-Plane, not the MU-2. May be an issue with the version/beta you're running, and worthy of a report to Laminar.
  8. The first image is an error for a plugin we don't make. DataRefTool. You can remove that and see how it goes. The last image shows you have some kind of weird permission issues with your X-Plane folder or that drive it's on.
  9. Your log shows the M20 running fine. You made it sound like the product wasn't operating. For RealityXP, you can wait till someone with better knowledge than I answers your other topic.
  10. You didn't give any other information so that someone can assist you. A log.txt file would be a good start.
  11. You are probably not running X-Plane in Rosetta as outlined to do above. Please make sure you are doing so.
  12. Indeed. Right click on X-Plane > Get Info > checkbox for Rosetta.
  13. Hey @Ch.Cole, Thanks for posting both of those. I'd say given the last log and lack of other plugins, this is clearly a bug. I appreciate you taking the time to do that! Given this is affecting your flights consistently, I think for now the only advice is to switch back to global Gizmo to spare yourself the frustration. You can achieve that by re-installing any product from their original installer.
  14. Thanks for the info. Windows I assume for the OS? I haven't seen this particular issue in my Mac flight tests, but clearly something is amiss here since one of our devs is having the issue too. Any chance you can post your full log so I can try and cross reference commonalities?
  15. Hey @Ch.Cole, One of our own team members is reporting this now with another product. Have you been able to narrow anything further down on your end? If you do find a culprit, please do let us know! Hopefully a common theme can be found.
  16. This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 2.0.0 update for the SR20 G1000. All customers who have purchased the SR20 G1000 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the SR20 G1000 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 2.0.0 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SR20 G1000 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: New Features: Fully Optimized for X-Plane 12! Entirely revamped 3D model, animations, and textures; designed and optimized for X-Plane 12 format changes and the new rendering engine. Updated FMOD sound pack to take advantage of XP12 FMOD features, integrated new sound samples, and more ARM64 support prepped for future. (Note: For ARM64 Mac (M1+ processors) users, ensure you are running Rosetta for now. Important Note Currently, the Synthetic Vision System (SVS) is known to cause issues on some configurations when Zink is enabled. It is highly recommended to not use Zink with this version, with SVS enabled. Additionally, sporadic crashes during load have been seen on Mac. SVS is enabled by default, but it can be disabled via a config file without the sim loaded. If you are experiencing crashes with the SR2X aircraft, disable SVS by navigating to X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TorqueSim SR20/plugins/sr_systems/settings/. Open the file settings.cfg in a text editor and make the change to the svs line: To disable SVS: svs = 0 To enable SVS: svs = 1 Bug Fixes and Improvements: T-1765 Engine page FOD information missing T-1803 Fix color detection for profile view T-1828 Charge battery command doesn't function T-1766 Add tick system to configs in TSLIB T-1851 Increase base instrument brightness T-1792 LPV Approach Capability due to missing SBAS receiver T-1847 Zink crashes X-Plane during flight loading T-1721 Get ARM build T-1778 Flight control effectiveness XP12 T-1755 Excessive left yaw when taxiing T-1827 GCU Input not working at random times T-1848 Brake Hold with Max Effort functionality doesn't work T-1714 Switch G1000 rendering to G1000 render space T-1858 Flaps balloon too pronounced on deployment T-1857 Elevator trim authority not enough down trim T-1853 Payload Arm Dataref replaced for X-Plane 12 T-1852 Weather datarefs updated for latest X-Plane 12 versions T-1856 Wheels do not show up when on the ground. T-1706 Fix settings files from appearing empty T-1705 Add vacuum override dataref option T-1702 CAPS Override command issue T-1751 Add XP12 G1000 default sidebar disable flag T-1720 Remove debug calls in subsystems T-1739 Aircraft loading presents error about SR22_IVS_IN.obj T-1746 +ve FF with Fuel Selector to OFF T-1732 Should not be able to prime with fuel selector off T-1730 Spark Plug Fouling not reproducible (Increased RPM drop on single mag when spark plugs are fouled) T-1745 Fuel priming with cavitation sound and no fuel flow T-1743 Priming cavitation sound should not happen after the aircraft is correctly primed T-1706 Address config files staying empty T-1715 Fix parachute for CAPS T-1713 Fix use of deprecated dataref in physics T-1716 Increase torque of C24ST5 Starter T-1717 Migrate to support XP12 weight and balance system Texture material fixes Seat backs flipped normals. New interior trim normal map and improved ambient occlusion. Lighting adjustments. …. and many other tweaks and changes to improve the behavior of the system with X-Plane 12 As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  17. Such a "basic" patch is not possible. It requires a bunch of re-write to even load due to the custom turbine engine model.
  18. This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 2.0.0 update for the SR22 G1000 Series. All customers who have purchased the SR22 G1000 Series up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the SR22 G1000 Series from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 2.0.0 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SR22 G1000 Series download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: New Features: Fully Optimized for X-Plane 12! Entirely revamped 3D model, animations, and textures; designed and optimized for X-Plane 12 format changes and the new rendering engine. Updated FMOD sound pack to take advantage of XP12 FMOD features, integrated new sound samples, and more ARM64 support prepped for future. (Note: For ARM64 Mac (M1+ processors) users, ensure you are running Rosetta for now. Important Note Currently, the Synthetic Vision System (SVS) is known to cause issues on some configurations when Zink is enabled. It is highly recommended to not use Zink with this version, with SVS enabled. Additionally, sporadic crashes during load have been seen on Mac. SVS is enabled by default, but it can be disabled via a config file without the sim loaded. If you are experiencing crashes with the SR2X aircraft, disable SVS by navigating to X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/SR22 Series/{Aircraft Type}/plugins/sr_systems/settings/. Open the file settings.cfg in a text editor and make the change to the svs line: To disable SVS: svs = 0 To enable SVS: svs = 1 Bug Fixes and Improvements: T-1765 Engine page FOD information missing T-1803 Fix color detection for profile view T-1828 Charge battery command doesn't function T-1766 Add tick system to configs in TSLIB T-1851 Increase base instrument brightness T-1792 LPV Approach Capability due to missing SBAS receiver T-1847 Zink crashes X-Plane during flight loading T-1721 Get ARM build T-1778 Flight control effectiveness XP12 T-1755 Excessive left yaw when taxiing T-1827 GCU Input not working at random times T-1848 Brake Hold with Max Effort functionality doesn't work T-1714 Switch G1000 rendering to G1000 render space T-1858 Flaps balloon too pronounced on deployment T-1857 Elevator trim authority not enough down trim T-1853 Payload Arm Dataref replaced for X-Plane 12 T-1852 Weather datarefs updated for latest X-Plane 12 versions T-1856 Wheels do not show up when on the ground. T-1706 Fix settings files from appearing empty T-1705 Add vacuum override dataref option T-1702 CAPS Override command issue T-1751 Add XP12 G1000 default sidebar disable flag T-1720 Remove debug calls in subsystems T-1739 Aircraft loading presents error about SR22_IVS_IN.obj T-1746 +ve FF with Fuel Selector to OFF T-1732 Should not be able to prime with fuel selector off T-1730 Spark Plug Fouling not reproducible (Increased RPM drop on single mag when spark plugs are fouled) T-1745 Fuel priming with cavitation sound and no fuel flow T-1743 Priming cavitation sound should not happen after the aircraft is correctly primed T-1706 Address config files staying empty T-1715 Fix parachute for CAPS T-1713 Fix use of deprecated dataref in physics T-1716 Increase torque of C24ST5 Starter T-1717 Migrate to support XP12 weight and balance system Texture material fixes Seat backs flipped normals. New interior trim normal map and improved ambient occlusion. Lighting adjustments. …. and many other tweaks and changes to improve the behavior of the system with X-Plane 12 As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  19. This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 2.0.0 update for the SR20 Entegra. All customers who have purchased the SR20 Entegra up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the SR20 Entegra from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 2.0.0 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SR22 Entegra Series download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: New Features: Fully Optimized for X-Plane 12! Updated Entegra avionics to handle the X-Plane navigation and airport formats with X-Plane 12 Entirely revamped 3D model, animations, and textures; designed and optimized for X-Plane 12 format changes and the new rendering engine. Updated FMOD sound pack to take advantage of XP12 FMOD features, integrate new sound samples, and more ARM64 support prepped for future. (Note: For ARM64 Mac (M1+ processors) users, ensure you are running Rosetta for now. Bug Fixes & Improvements: T-1849 Runways not showing on MFD T-1795 Entegra 'Nearest Airports' page not populating T-1818 PFD engine data order wrong T-1775 SR2X Entegra PFD VSI adjustment should be ±50 fpm T-1865 Additional Animation Datarefs T-1863 Flap balloon too pronounced T-1778 Flight control effectiveness XP12 T-1864 Elevator authority not enough down trim T-1861 Add LPV Receiver for LPV Approach Capability T-1763 Update to ARM Build T-1862 Update Multi-threaded renderer T-1807, T-1804 SR2x Entegra Crashes XP on launch T-1853 Payload Arm Dataref replaced for X-Plane 12 T-1852 Weather datarefs updated for latest X-Plane 12 versions T-1391 Rudder Pedal animation bug T-1871 Engine sound tweaks T-1868 Remove HUD objects (we plan on reintroducing the AOA hud in the future with the XP12 HUD system) T-1872 Airplane too fast, general drag performance tuning Nose gear height fix for compression IVS fix (SR20) Altitude compensating fuel pump fix T-1718 SR20 misses oxygen refill button T-1671/T-1760 Update to use common TSLIB system (massive infrastructure rewrite) T-1669 Fix behavior of RSG Popups with MFD T-1754 Straight and Level DFC90 Change to 1° pitch T-1759 Fix transponder VFR command label T-1706 Fix settings files from appearing empty T-1705 Add vacuum override dataref option T-1702 CAPS Override command issue T-1746 +ve FF with Fuel Selector to OFF T-1732 Should not be able to prime with fuel selector off T-1730 Spark Plug Fouling not reproducible (Increased RPM drop on single mag when spark plugs are fouled) T-1713 Fix use of deprecated dataref in physics T-1716 Increase torque of C24ST5 Starter T-1717 Migrate to support XP12 weight and balance system Texture material fixes Seat backs flipped normals New interior trim normal map and improved ambient occlusion Lighting adjustments …. and many other tweaks to improve behavior for X-Plane 12 As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  20. Okay, I was able to replicate this and a re-compiled installer is now available. You can re-download that and it should work.
  21. Thanks. Standby for a resolution while I run some tests.
  22. Hi Jason, Are you running Mac or Windows? I did quite a bit of testing here before releasing, but on the Mac side. I may need to re-compile on Windows if this continues.
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