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Everything posted by kneighbour
ok, thanks for the effort. Will try tonight and will see if I can video it.
Any Australian pilots got the FMC working?
kneighbour replied to kneighbour's topic in General Discussion
Good to know. Do you manually set the IRS position? ie use one of the GPS locations, or enter the position manually? And I understand that it is very rare for a RL pilot to go through the Cold and Dark sequence, so I could claim to be a bit more realistic -
Any Australian pilots got the FMC working?
kneighbour replied to kneighbour's topic in General Discussion
Yes. I have the thing on 'Turnaround' so that next time at least it will not be with engines running. I think I have tried cold start, but when I did I did not (at the time) notice that it was putting in the Lat as N, and not S. I put the route that I have been trying to fly in another post. Getting pretty close to cross posting here! I am at work at the moment, so cannot easily do any tests. But I understand what you are saying - I need to make sure that the IRS has been aligned correctly. -
I am not having any other problem apart from the crashes. But frankly, the crashes are enough. You cannot use the FMC once you get a crash as they simply repeat ad nauseum. I usually reload the aircraft. But since you ask, try typing in this very short flight plan YBTL PEWEE4 PEWEE V134 BARIA HEND6A YBCS ie a flight from Townsville to Cairns in Australia. It does not seem to matter what flight I choose (other also fail), but this one I know fails. More details Departure YBTL - runway 01, SID PEWEE4 . Arrival YBCS - runway 33, STAR HEND6A, BARIA transition. I forget the exact name of the approach, but ILS runway 33. so perhaps LOCY33 or similar from HENDO. I am at work so cannot get precise details. If you can get the FMC to accept that, you are a better man than I am. To be honest, I did manage to get it in once, but no idea why. But even if you do get the thing in and EXEC it, it will most likely fail when you go to the LEGS page or really do anything with the plan. It is very unstable at this point... I have NEVER done a flight with the FMC in this aircraft. This is with a fresh install of the 733, standard data and both hotfixes applied.
Any Australian pilots got the FMC working?
kneighbour replied to kneighbour's topic in General Discussion
Yep - tried that. Did not work. Mind you, there is a back story. I start with the engines running - so everything is aligned. So I turn the IRS to off, then back to NAV. If you then try to do the alignment as you say, it does not work. You cannot select the GPS values. I have even tried to type the Lat/Lon in manually, but that does not work either. -
Well, not too keen on hijacking this thread. But I am getting the same error as above during entry of a flight plan. Every time (well, it worked once out of a few dozen attempts). I have reported the problem, so I guess it has been fixed/next update/is being looked at. So currently can only fly without FMC. Frankly, the thing is in the hangar until things get sorted. I simply hate touching the FMC in flight (won't do it) as the chance of a crash is so high. Apart from the FMC, the plane is great.
I too am waiting for the update as I cannot fly it either. But the first two updates were really fast - I have no doubt the next one will be out shortly as well.
I was wondering if anyone flying in Australia has got the FMC to work without Gizmo crashes? I have only had one occasion where entering a flight plan worked, and at that time I could not fly as I had to go to work! Every other time it has crashed. On some flights I get to the point where a dotted magenta line is visible, so I can fly the route manually. On some flights I still fly after the Gizmo crash, but that can be fraught with risk (things often do not work). I am becoming very gunshy - hate touching the FMC as the chance of a crash is so high. I think the problem (or at least one problem) is that the IRS thinks we are in the Northern hemisphere. If this is the case, then no other Australian (or NZ) flights should work either. I seem to recall one other pilot mentioned the same problem - but was wondering if anyone has managed to get it to work?
With a few tweaks to my NVidia settings, I have been able to up the SMP distance out to 10,000 sq km. It increases the small box of clouds around the plane, but not by that much. To my eye it does not extend 50km in front of me (ie 10,000 sq km) , but I guess it is possible. I am guessing that SMP V2 has the same issue, but I never noticed it. It certainly does not have the framerate hit that V3 does (at least on my system), so currently I am running that and of course without RWC.
Or use X-Camera.
I have to agree! As good as the videos Jan put up. I learnt a lot just from the casual comments from the pilot. Very interesting stuff.
Wow. I was used to flying the 732 a bit and really loved the SAAB 340, so was getting used to very high quality aircraft. But this is even better! While it all looks perfect and all the systems seem to work just fine, it is the 'feel', however that is defined. Sitting in the seat just seems right. The distances to the panels seem right, all that sort of thing. Did a few very clumsy flights and it flies beautifully. Very impressed. Easily worth the $100 I spent for it (Australia). Had only a few 'funny' experiences. Not problems... 1. selected 'nose right' on pushback and got nose left. Bit weird. Other times it worked just fine. Probably me, or since we are upside down here in Australia.... 2. the bitmaps in the cabin are not right. Very little interest to me, but just in case you think they are right, they are not. You have a galley bitmap on the right wall (walking back). As I say, don't care in the least myself. 3. On my last landing, one reverser did not operate. The right one stayed undeployed, and one indicator light came on as you would expect. I should have checked this of course, but applied thrust, so had a fancy trip down the runway before I noticed the problem! Would have totally failed my checkride. I had to taxi back with one engine shutdown. Loved the realism! Loved the failure. I only mention it just in case this was not meant to be a failure. I could not see how to reset the failure on the failure screen, so perhaps it is not meant to happen? As far as I can tell, no framerate hit at all. 10/10 from me. PS - now I will go and read the manuals...
I have lived with 15-20 for a long time, and more recently 20+. I am used to a non smooth experience! Now that I have new hardware, will have to get used to 30+. Rather a pleasant (but expensive) experience!
I get the same error if I wind the Cloud draw distance up too far beyond 10,000 sq km. Reinstalling does not help as it leaves the config file in the folder. So once you get the error, you cannot load XP. I guess if you delete the config file it should reset to default values, and then allow XP to load again. And SMP reports HEAPS of free video ram (multiple gigs). I actually copied across the SMP files from a Demo version of XP that I also have installed. That allowed me to load XP again otherwise it simply would not load (CTD every time).
Having just done a bit of reading up on this, I can see I was totally wrong. Video games are not like movies at all - no motion blur for one. I was equating the two experiences. 30 fps would seem to be the minimum that we should aim for. XP actually goes into 'crisis mode' at 20 fps so it seems sensible to at least aim for 30+.
Well, no, I haven't read that particular article. And I tend to agree - after all, we cannot see much past 24 fps anyway. But as I am sure you know, the (for example) 40 fps I quoted was at a particular moment. As you change scenery, aircraft, look around, fly through clouds, etc, the fps changes. I like to have a decent fps when I start as that gives me a buffer so that when I hit a critical flight phase (ie landing), the system does not start stuttering or time compressing. In my experience if you start with around 30-40, things should not be too bad later on down the track. Moving SMP cloud distance up to even a semi decent distance drops my fps way down - into single digits. There is no way I can handle that, in fact cannot handle anything less than 20 in the worst case situation. Your experience obviously differs and good luck to you. But not to worry, will pursue other avenues. Might even go back to SMP V2 as that never gave me any problems.
Thanks for the quick reply. Do you think the square around that PC12 was 50km a side? Looked way shorter to me. I can certainly wind the distance up, but the framerate loss is huge, and at cruise you would have to wind it out a LONG way. The monitor thing... dunno. Have removed 4 of the monitors and no difference in fps. So it is not that. But I am pretty happy with the framerates in general. Getting around 40 + now with most things maxxed out. If you say SMP is working as designed, then I guess I will have to remove this version as well. Funnily enough I never noticed this limitation with V2 for some reason. Keep up the good work.
Have added another video, which is probably easier to see. Still in the Demo XP version. This time I have RWC installed and set to overwrite XP weather all the time. Weather seems to be coming in ok. RWC does not seem to make any difference to the problem. There is no scenery as I am out of the demo area so less to interfere, I thought. This time there are two cloud layers, which is nice. I guess that is due to RMC, so kudos there. The PC12 is flying at 20,000'. You can see the clouds are barely visible in the cockpit. They draw the square in front every so often, and drop off a bit at the back. I caught both redraws on this video. You tube video showing SMP problem
I disgree. It shows the problem pretty well. In any case, I have made up a quick video that hopefully shows you my issue. On the ground, the square of clouds is rather small - about the 5km I originally estimated. When you fly, you seem to get a bit more, and since that is the typical scenario, that is what I will show in my test video. I simply opened up my Demo install of XP, loaded a plane and jumped to 20,000 feet. That is why the plane is complaining a bit! I then show you my SMP settings (basically just default) and my XP rendering settings. The weather is whatever XP comes up with. Just random, I think, as this is the demo version. You will see in the video that there is a small square of clouds around the aircraft. From the cockpit you are at 20,000 and can barely see the edge of the displayed clouds. If you look around the aircraft, you will see the limits of the square - not very far. As you fly along, this square of clouds follows you. There are no other clouds in the sky, so this looks rather weird. Bit like a pet on a leash. The clouds displayed have no bearing on the clouds that you see on the Local Map. I am guessing that this is the way it is meant to be, but make the observation anyway. Please note this is not a polished performance level video. Just a quick and dirty upload to hopefully show the problem. The Youtube video is at https://youtu.be/kLadLOv7gOE I hope this is of some use.
Instead of putting up my video, please check out this one on Twitch. This guy has a lot more distance than I do - he has his Cloud Draw distance way higher than I do, which may be the reason. As an aside, it is puzzling how he can do that and I cannot. Anyway, you see most of the problem in this video. The system is drawing clouds in a square around your plane and it is obvious. You can see the square to your left being drawn, then the one to your right disappearing (as an example). This is not an issue if you cannot see it - but it is obvious. It seems it might be taking too long to do the drawing perhaps. http://www.twitch.tv/crzydmnd/v/60764432?sr=a Certainly no hope of ever seeing clouds to the horizon. The guy make one good observation - perhaps SMP is only meant for low flying VFR use where this draw pattern is not so obvious (in my case it still is more than obvious). With a high flying jet this draw pattern is so obvious and non realistic you really have to turn SMP off.
I am certainly hoping so! Other (to be frank) it will need to be disabled. As always, I have my SMP set to default (ie press the Reset button). If I do wind out the cloud distance to about 5000 sq km, the tiny square of clouds I am in does get a bit bigger, but not by much. A 5x5 sqaure is only 25 sq km I just realised, so to work back from what I have set (2000 sq km, I think), I should be sitting in a square of roughly 45x45 km. That sounds more like it! But something is obviously stopping this from happening. The scenery in XP seems to draw out a long way (I have the scenery detail distance set to HIGH), so it does not seem like XP is the limiting factor. One question - does SMP draw clouds in a square? Because that is what is happening. And the square being drawn depends on where I am looking. ie as I rotate the view around, you see clouds being redrawn in the new area, and disappearing from the old area. It would be nice if this happened just out of view, of course. When I get time, I will do up a video for you.
I had hoped that the Weather Connector would fix this problem, but no such luck! I have only noticed this with 3.1 (and 3.1.1), but the range of clouds around my position is actually a square about 5km across. It could be 10, but I am guessing. It is very small. I have set my SMP settings to Default. In XP, my render settings are mostly on max. I use extreme textures, World Detail Distance = High and Cloud Details currently at 91%. If I zoom right out in XP - ie 20 mile sup or something, there is a large square located over my position. This (I guess) is the area that XP has loaded in. The area of clouds that SMP is drawing is a tiny portion of this square. AS I zoom down towards the ground, I see the small square of clouds appear - and it is tiny. If I move (ie fly along), the square moves in front of me. The plane is basically positioned near the near of the square in the center of the back part of the square. If I rotate around, there are very few clouds behind me. Maybe a km or so. In front and to the sides is about 5-10km. As I move along, clouds appear at the front of the square, and disappear from the back - this is as you would expect - except these borders are almost within a rocks throw of the plane. I am guessing that most people see clouds to the horizon?
I use the system for work - I am a computer programmer. So I use 5 monitors for that. For X-Plane, I use only 1 monitor. GTX980 - connected to 40" main screen - Monitor 1 integrated (mobo) video - Monitor 2 USB adapator - Monitor 3 GTX-560 - Monitor 4 and Monitor 5. With the test SMP, my Demo version is the same. Huge fps diff - like 70 off to 15 On. With my full working system, it is fairly good. In fact, could not see much difference with it off or on. So as far as I am concerned, I don't have a problem anymore (in that area). I have tweaked my render settings so that I am getting 40+ fps and it seems to stay there, SMP on or off. The demo situation is a funny one. It might indicate a problem or it might not. Windows 10 might be making a difference. I had it on my current system for a few hours, and it seemed a lot faster. I removed it due to the ridiculous security it imposes (and other reasons). But it might be a factor. Anyway, I am happy for now. Hopefully the Weather Connector will fix my other problem with SMP, so time will tell there.
Well, the SMP settings are simple. The defaults, ie just press the Reset button in SMP. NVIDIA System Information 04-13-2016 15-10-35.txt
Have you tried going back to a clean Demo version? I find that the results are different in the Demo version than in the full version. In the full version, I don't seem to have the 'trigger' fields as in the Demo version. The only way I can get SMP to work in the full version is to wind down the Cloud distance to 2900 or less. Nothing else seems to do anything, much as in your situation. For all practical purposes, I simply cannot use SMP in the full version as I start at around 30 fps with SMP off, and <10 with SMP on.