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Fabio Pittol

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Everything posted by Fabio Pittol

  1. Southwest fleet of "not-shiny" 737s is so huge, that even if they want to change all of them to -MAX, it would take a few years.
  2. Yeah, right? IXEG guys did a great job working around the lack of reflections on XP's OBJ shader.
  3. The same period of time, from Navigraph is 27.48 euros, so, nowhere to run, really. Anyway, as others have already said, the problem is that Navigraph just doesn't answer developer "calls". It tried to contact them myself, a few times. Ignored. Contacted Aerosoft, and got an answer days latter. That's unfortunate, for Navigraph, cause they have a heck of a product.
  4. If it gets released with a Paint Kit right away, I'll definitelly be painting a heck of GOL, Varig, Webjet... liveries while one cruise.
  5. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v10/
  6. I managed to get orthophoto on WED using SASPlanet, I downloaded the image there and kinda like Shaunus said, exported with a kml file with lat/long of the rectangle. If you need I can detail the process
  7. I might take a while, but I'll do, yes! Actually the plan is just to fix some parts of the terrain closer to the airport that even when filling up with objects looks pretty weird - there's seems to be some kind of dumpsite landclass on large areas around SBVT - and as there are some parks and stuff, a somewhat grassy draped pol will help. Here's an example. SBVT RWY05 is about 1 mile north of that park, and the planes overfly it at very low altitude. And yes, this part looks like a dumpsite by default. Don't worry, in no way I'm planning do to large cover ups, just correct places near the airport that won't look nice at all.
  8. That's awesome, cause the XP landclass data in Brazil is pretty messed up!
  9. Hey, another quick question. The app is able to generate draped polygons? So I can cover more realisticly some "open"/flat areas without making a huge photoscenery covering everything.
  10. Worked perfectly! Thanks!
  11. Hey Tony, I'm getting the "Can't find coordinates for node..." error. I'm not sure in which part of the process I'm doing something wrong. I've downloaded the south-america-latest.osm.bz2 from http://download.geofabrik.de/ Unziped the .osm and then I used Osmosis to extract a bounding box around my city with the following command: osmosis --read-xml file="south-america-latest.osm" --bounding-polygon top=00.00 left=00.00 bottom=00.00 right=00.00 --write-xml file="vitoria.osm" *With the appropriate coordinates. After that I filtered highway, power.lines and railway, each using the this command: osmosis --read-xml vitoria.osm --tf accept-ways highway=* --used-node --write-xml vitoria_highways.osm And later on, merged them together (osmosis --rx 1.osm --rx 2.osm --rx 3.osm --merge --merge --wx merged.osm) resulting a vitoria_network.osm which then I converted to .pbf using Osmconvert. Any clues? Thanks in advance!
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