My xplane 11.35 crashed when landing at KLAX and engaging the reverse trust. This is the last log entry:
2019-08-13 16:26:38 TBM900[except.c:171]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Backtrace is:
0 00007FF63DF99305 C:\Users\Beheerder\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000000D9305 ()
1 000000000000000D C:\Users\Beheerder\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+000000000000000D ()
2 0000014AB5196B00 C:\Users\Beheerder\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000014AB5196B00 ()
Name of product(s) - Put N/A for none: tbm900
Has anyone noticed that since the latest VR compatible Skymaxx versions, you can see the horizon through the plane. It's like the planes are translucent.
@sundog In follow up of OPs question: Is there a fix for the cloudshadows in VR turning with the movement of your head? (only left eye does this, right eye is stable)
TBM900 1.1.3 HDR lighting is not working in 11.30r1 in VR. When not in VR, HDR works, but in VR the cockpit is pitch black and it's not possible to switch the access light switch, nor do the screens light up the cockpit.
Any one noticed this?