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  1. Hi Poodster: Found it with your direction. Thanks a bunch. Now, time to read on and try to fly this beast. Best regards, Mike
  2. HI Cameron: Sorry to bother you again. I decided to add the IXEG 737 to my inventory. However, I cant find the document/manual interface folder anywhere in the download. Would kindly advise on where they are located. Thanks, Mike
  3. Hi Cameron: Thanks for your input on this topic. Couple of questions however. Do you know if anyone is considering working on an add on that would make it possible to migrate the CRJ 200 PFD/MFD to a second monitor? Seems like with all the impressive talent and intellect out there in the X-Plane community (with you Cameron at its pinnacle) it wouldn't be a heavy lift. But, who am I to comment. I'm still trying to pour through the reams of tech manuals to learn how to fly the CRJ 200. Further, on a side bar. I've got VRinsight's CDU II. Is this compatible with X-Plane aircraft? In closing, I'm just trying to get some functionality out of my second monitor and CDU to enhance the realism of my X-Plane flight sim experience to the greatest degree possible. Again, your insight would be helpful. Best regards, Mike
  4. Does anyone have a solution for moving JRollon's CRJ 200 PFD and MFD popups to a second display monitor? I've tried Helios, Panel Builder and, Air Manager with no joy. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help. Best regards, Mike Maxwell
  5. I know its been a long time since you posted on your cockpit build for the CRJ 200. However, I like to know if you have any advice on moving the PFD and MFD to a second monitor. I've tried everything. Can you help? Thanks, Mike
  6. Happy New Year Carl. I've got the same question. Has anybody out there got a way to assign a button/key map to Saitek Pro Yoke for ATC readbacks?
  7. Thanks for your reply. I tried the NYC MegaScenery FSX2XP with no luck either. I also contacted MegaScenery asking if they were considering an X-plane platform in the future. They told me their looking into it. Yep, your right. We should all start making some noise to let them know there's an x-plane market for their products. Thanks again.
  8. Has anyone had any succes in converting Megascenery Payware apps (patricularly Manhattan/NYC) from MSFSX to X-Plane? If so would you kindly provide the specifics. Thanks for your help and guidance.
  9. Hi again Goran: Sorry about my e-mail to you a few minutes ago inquiring about the availability of your Citation II. I just came across your blog, and now understand that your Citation II project is still under development. From what I've reviewed thus far, it looks like a real classy piece of work. Looking forward to it's release. I'll continue to monitor your page for it's unvailing. Again, my apologies for bothering you. Mike
  10. Thanks to you guys for the free upgrade to SMP V2. Just recently purchased SMP V1 and was enjoying the improvements over X-P 10 3.0's default. Before I continue, please note that I'm not a newbie, but no guru either. I've downloaded SMP 2, extracted the files, and placed the upgrade V2 folder in X-P's main folder. It's now positioned right above my SMP V1 folder in the X-P dropdown expand. When I fired up X-P and opened the plug-in and configuration window, I noted that it's still displaying the SMP 1 version and not the upgraded V2. Maybe I've placed the upgrade in the wrong directory, or am I suppose to uninstall V1 and replace it with V2. Also, I was running REX for X-P with many rendering problems before I acquired SMP V1. Should I now uninstall REX to avoid possible performance conflicts. Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks again, Mike
  11. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. How can I download my free version of SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 since I have 1.2
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