Thanks to you guys for the free upgrade to SMP V2. Just recently purchased SMP V1 and was enjoying the improvements over X-P 10 3.0's default. Before I continue, please note that I'm not a newbie, but no guru either. I've downloaded SMP 2, extracted the files, and placed the upgrade V2 folder in X-P's main folder. It's now positioned right above my SMP V1 folder in the X-P dropdown expand. When I fired up X-P and opened the plug-in and configuration window, I noted that it's still displaying the SMP 1 version and not the upgraded V2. Maybe I've placed the upgrade in the wrong directory, or am I suppose to uninstall V1 and replace it with V2. Also, I was running REX for X-P with many rendering problems before I acquired SMP V1. Should I now uninstall REX to avoid possible performance conflicts. Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks again, Mike