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Everything posted by alpha12125

  1. either that or use royality free music
  2. Just a FYI the Youtube Video cant be watched in some countries because of the Music you used. Germany for me here :/
  3. I would love some high quality GA but i can understand the hesitation to devote so much time on a small plane, which has already been released. I would kill for A2A product level and honestly would pay alot for that, but then again only if it would be at that level. The Saab is expensive compared to other turboprobs, but is worth every penny and i never regretted it one minute. So that kinda sets the standard what the GA have to be for me
  4. which is exactly what i said, they refused to adapt and now lost alot of signifcance. But on topic, while I adore my steam gauge fl-j-sim 732 and 727, they are no glass cockpit planes. To get those, including the fmc, to almost 100% is another ballgame. Personally I only see IXEG reaching, and by latest videos even surpassing, the standard of PMDG (in glass FMC cockpits, with LES and others we have excellent non fmc makers on that level). The 733 Classic will be a showcase on what will be the benchmark in that category that PMDG will have to live up to, and hopefully lead to a challenging arms race to produce the most realisitc planes
  5. fair enough, i trust you there more then my gut feeling. Still think though that someone pushing for excellence is never a bad thing.
  6. Well they have not done anything at all in X-Plane, but still they have alot of power in the simulation world. When apple refused to implement flash into iphones, Adobe laughed at first but finally succumbed and now html5 is the dominating standard on mobile phones. Diablo 3 was the icebreaker for the dreaded always-on DRM, Blizzard pushed through and nowadays it is pretty much accepted for AAA games. So what does that have to do with x-plane ? Well a few month ago out of nowhere new datareefs for props got added into x-plane. While you never will get confirmation my guess is simply that PMDG where not happy with the old way props where simulated and that alone was enough for Austin to improve the simulation. So if just announcing development for x-plane has enough wheight at Laminar to change things, i see it as a good thing and tbh they have a track record of beeing extremly pendantic about getting it right or not doing it at all. And if that is pushing Laminar to improve the sim then i am all but happy.
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