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Everything posted by Bob439

  1. Yep, this version solves my issues as well. Thanks!
  2. I did a few more tests over the day. I kept X-Plane open only to check the livery project I'm working on, and from what I've seen it looks like you have a memory leak. The longer X-Plane runs the lower the available resources become.
  3. Hi, At Kneighbour's suggestion I ran some tests this morning. I took some screen shots. I have a Win 64 Pro 64bit system i7 3770 with 16 Gb ram and a GE Force GTX 680 video card with 4 Gb ram. The first one is upon initial loading: 16fps The second is with SkyMaxx off: 41 fps I turned SkyMaxx Pro back on and I then went into the SkyMaxx config: 14fps I enabled cloud reflections: Now I have 41 fps with SkyMaxx Pro on:
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