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  1. Hi, Thanks for updating the sr-22 entegra to work with x-plane 12, I appreciate the work this must have taken. But there seems to be an issue with version 2.0 of the sr-22 entegra. I am using xplane version 12.04 and when the zink plugin is enabled in the graphics settings the displays of the sr-22 seem to be mirrored diagonally. Also the menu page of the plane is also mirrored diagonally as shown in the attached pictures. Is it possible to make the plane zink compatible? because zink does help give extra FPS on my system and I would like to leave it switched on if possible. I know I can switch it off and the plane works fine then but I lose FPS on my system then. Also I don't suppose the plane could make use of the skunkcrafts updater as it makes it easier to always have the latest version? Regards, Steve
  2. I have just installed the latest 11.50b6 and set it to use Vulkan but it looks like the latest update has stopped SoundMaxx from working. Now when I goto an airport it is completely quiet which is a bit unnerving. Is there any plan to update Soundmaxx to work with 11.50 when the full version is released? It says on the plugin for support to contact www.x-pilot.com but there doesn't seem to be a separate category for SoundMaxx. Thanks, Steve
  3. Hi, I have updated the islander to version 1.01 and notice there are still some issues with it: 1) In the cabin the fifth guy back on the left has his headphones stuck in the roof, hes way too tall for that airplane 2) During daytime flying I can't see the landing lights and the flashing beacon light. Not sure if it is like this on the real aircraft but other modelled planes show a flashing beacon and you can see the landing lights during the daytime. I can't tell whether they are switched on or not during the day. Hope they see this post Steve
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