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  1. Outstanding support! Safe landings!
  2. I have exactly the same problem after going to V 1.0.2 Do not experience this anywhere else (no micro stutters in any of the other of my X-Plane planes - I have a fairly sharp eye for this as this is one of the more important no-no's in my sim experience. I rather take lower frames than live with micro stutters. I honestly have to say that it feels as if we have gone slightly backwards since V 1.0.1 Happy coding, Cheers,
  3. What a fine product! Fantastic plane that set the new standard in X-Plane! Thank you,
  4. BTW, this temp fix does fix the VNAV and ALT HLD issues!
  5. Great Plane - thanks very much!
  6. Cameron, Everyone is entitled to their opinion, or so I would hope. Just to clarify, I have been using your product SMP pretty much from the its early releases and currently have version 2.1.1 installed in X-Plane 10.36. The problem with the so called log file and crash file is that these CTD's are not consistent ie; Flight between OMDB and EKCH crashes (CTD). Tomorrow I'll do exactly the same flight with the same time of day, the only change would be different real weather. Guess what, now there is no crash. I haven't changed a single thing within my X-plane structure or PC. That is the frustration I am sitting with and I can only imagine, many others. My PC is relatively beafy with moderate settings (I-7 4770K OC to 4.4Ghz, 32Gb RAM, GTX Titan. I spoil myself by having HDR on and that is only because a lot of scenery and some aircraft lighting requires HDR to be turned on. Your product generates the best weather textures in X-Plane full stop. The frustration comes in binning a 14 hour flight that CTD due Silverlining. My opinions are simply that, opinions - don't see it as a personal attack. Regards, Don Dormehl
  7. Hi, Firstly commenting on one of the first posts - Comment made by one of the devs "This is not even a widespread issue". Well, I think you are wrong mate. Silverlining aka SMP has crashed my X-Plane so often that I gave up counting. I really marvel at your ignorance or maybe arrogance when it comes to client support. It is always the same rhetoric - find the problem with some other plug-in because nothing could possibly be wrong with our product. Remember it wasn't a freebie but paid for. Customers want it to work so that they can enjoy what they spend their money on. Secondly, SMP does really look good! It pains me to bin it for now but I need a X-Plane that works to enjoy some flights! Please note that I am not complaining about the lack of support on my behalf as I haven't and probably wouldn't ask for support in this matter. I'll wait it out till the CTD's get less. Keep up the good work. Regards, Don Dormehl
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