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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Purchased Peter's A320 last night. As always, I'm very pleased with Peter and his creations.
  2. I've found an even easier solution! Download the following file and add it with Overlay Editor. You should basically surround your entire scenery with it and it'll make the ground hard. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13129
  3. Keith, Thank you very much for the links and for the info. I've got quite a lot to take care of at my office this week, but I'll definitely check out PilotEdge this weekend!
  4. Perfect. Thanks a lot for the insight!
  5. Will definitely check it out. How does it compare to Vatsim?
  6. Glad you've included Air France. I'm sold.
  7. Just completed my KJFK-LFPG flight. ILS until 300 feet for runway 27L at Paris Charles De Gaulle. Descent towards LFPG AP Disconnect Beautiful chilly morning in Paris. Touchdown
  8. Not as far as I know. I had downloaded the A380 with VC when he first released it a few years ago and I had never downloaded any updates for it. I found out earlier today that he had updated his plugins to be 64bit compatible and I downloaded them right away.
  9. After months of not flying it, I finally downloaded the updated 64bit A380 from Peter today... An absolute marvel.
  10. Definitely! Funny enough, I looked his company up on Google and found out that his office was less than a mile from the campus of my university... small world!
  11. I'd like to thank John as well. Bought Skymaxx when it first came out earlier this year, and have been in utter awe since then. Sure, there was room for improvements, but John and the rest of the XA team really blew any possibilities out of the water with SkyMaxx 2.0. Looking forward to all your future products, John. You've got a loyal customer here!
  12. Thanks a lot for the feedback, Phillipp. I'll definitely check it out and pick it up. I feel as if I've learned a lot of IFR through X-Plane. Each day I try to get current in the sim and practice my approaches and holds. Even doing my PPL training I was doing quite a bit of approaches to practice and I ended up knowing quite more than I thought. Yeah I totally agree, I've only been in full IFR conditions a few times with some CFII buddies and I can definitely say it was an amazing and beautiful experience.
  13. Tiens nous au courant. Keep us in the loop.
  14. I would email the developers of the airplanes you're having troubles with. Granted, they didn't develop SASL, that should still be the first place to turn to in regards to plane-specific support.
  15. Yep, that's the plan. Thanks for the feedback, I greatly appreciate it!
  16. So true... I miss high school and once you hit the professional world it truly makes your realize how minor the stress was... Good times!
  17. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the reason I'm doing it is because of the aviation company we had discussed a few months ago. I'm assuming that if I ferry airplanes around the world, IFR is going to be indispensable. I'm doing my cross country building time right now with a friend of mine in his PA28. Only paying like $60 an hour so it's definitely significantly cheaper than the $180 at the flight school for the G1000 172. I'm planning to do my last 15 cfii required hours with my buddy's who's a CFI in the G1000. That way it'll save a substantial amount of money.
  18. If you're using X-Plane 64 bit, it's because the XPFW plugin for the 757 isn't compatible.
  19. Hi everyone, As I'm currently full force into my IFR training, I thought I'd make a thread to the real life pilots here that have acquired their instrument ratings. What was your best method of studying and what materials did you use? I'm trying to broaden my horizons and study the most informative materials I can find. So far I found that the SheppardAir iPad application for IFR was quite great and use it for most my training. Are there any other apps or study guides that you used that could provide extensive knowledge on IFR? Hoping to have my IR finished by the time November rolls around, and then having my commercial by the May. I appreciate all the advice and feedback, O.
  20. Early morning arrival into LFPG. Centurion 210
  21. Yep! Here's the hint! WHEN IT'S FINISHED! Happy?
  22. Just let it go, it's very clear we're just wasting our time. He's proven multiple times that he's childish and has no clear understanding on how criticism works. You keep doing your thing and build us a beautiful A320!
  23. Great! Looking forward to it! Hopefully there'll be an updated exterior as well!
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