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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Well I ended up purchasing a Lightspeed Sierra!
  2. Nope... and I can't say I completely "hate" them, but I just find them quite annoying. Is there a way to make the pilot visible from outside views, but invisible when in 3d pit mode? Btw, great progress, I'll be keeping my eyes out for this one
  3. Wow oh wow... that looks amazing!
  4. Not much of a shopper... but flew into Tampa International Airport last night to go to the Giant International Mall Plaza with some friends to see how the stores looked... it was incredibly packed... luckily we had a good amount of parking at the FBO....
  5. Well my download finally finished this morning! Loaded up XP, tweaked it to my liking and I'm getting roughly the same FPS in some areas, and better FPS in other areas as xp9. I really like the new interface and the new lighting\ATC\Weather systems! The only thing that I wish would change would be the hotkeys for the views, the new ones are a bit confusing... And one more thing (directed to those working at Laminar) Are we going to get the option to set ourselves 3nm or 10nm from a certain runway? I could not find this option when I was playing around with the demo, and it's really useful for practicing ILS or just landings. EDIT: Specs are Quad 2.67, 8GB DDR3 Ram, and a Nvidia 9500GT with 1GB of V-Ram.
  6. Unfortunately did not get to fly this one... but it was sitting in front of the FBO\Flightschool I train at. Flying the 172 with G-1000 tomorrow on a solo cross country flight to Palm Beach
  7. Wow... Impressive work here!
  8. Thanks Lukasz! Definitely go check out that simulator, they're great IFR learning tools and great ways to debute the learning of certain emergency procedures like Spins. Wow that was quite a cross wind, I especially liked the helicopter-like landing
  9. Hi everyone, The weather here in Sarasota has been very "hit or miss" the past few days, making it hard to fly. Yesterday had so much fog, it was rated as CAT III conditions... So rather than going flying, I decided to set up my tripod in the school's full motion FAA certified FMX-1000 simulator. Unfortunately the simulator runs fsx (I'd prefer X-Plane of course) yet it is fun nonetheless, and a great way to practice IFR. In the video I start off from KSRQ, I fly to KMCO and then I fly back to KSRQ to shoot an ILS Approach for runway 31. Unfortunately I was unable to film the take-off out of KMCO due to a camera compression error that made it unable to record at that moment. Anyway, I'll let the video do the rest of the talking... enjoy http://youtu.be/ZR5UjSat_sQ?hd=1
  10. This morning I was doing my daily "Online Newspaper Reading" and came across something unusual.... On one of the famous beaches here in Sarasota they found an 8 foot Lego man Anyway, here's the article with pictures: http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20111025/WIRE/111029721?p=1&tc=pg
  11. The French also have a large fleet of those pretty Mirages
  12. Agreed, I try to fly about the same in both "types" of airplanes, that way I won't become to independent on either one of them. I was recently checked out in the school's new Cessna 162, I have to say it's a very fun little light sport! Gets tossed around in the wind quite a bit, but it's very agile, and the G300 is just the right amount of info!
  13. Sorry I haven't had any time to myself since I last posted, thus was unable to check the site. I'll definitely do it tonight and tell you my 2 cents on the new additions to the site
  14. I'll add a few airplanes later tonight, when I get home from IFR Ground school.
  15. Great website! Just registered, I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open on the progress of the site! Thanks PS: One thing that would be cool would be the ability to add an picture when adding an airplane. Ie: If you've got a picture of the real airplane you can upload to the aircraft database.
  16. Download Overlay Editor and use the tree exclusion tool under "Exclusions".
  17. Took the C-172 with G1000 up for a spin today
  18. Welcome to the forums
  19. 5:30AM Cross country flight on Saturday :)

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