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Iridium last won the day on March 17 2018

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  1. I just bought the M20 collection, not realizing it is for "XP11 only" until I opened the sim and notice the (v11) near the aircraft thumbnails. Then I went back and read the store page again and say the "XP 11 only" disclaimer. There's no way to refund this, is there?
  2. There is a Carenado B1900 for XP11 if you're interested in that.
  3. My first time back in the forums since quite a while ago. So much has happened in the intervening years. I believe I was still working on my commercial multi-engine rating at university the last time I spent any appreciable time here. I was a little active since then, but not much. I have since I graduated from university. I became a flight instructor. I began working for Horizon Air, then upgraded to captain and got married. I bought a home and got hired by Delta Air Lines. And now I have a daughter on the way. I never left flight simulation in this period, however. Earlier this year I bought MSFS, and recently just picked up XP12 as well. Both XP and MSFS have been helpful for my training at Delta. I've got CQ next month, so I'm going to get some more practice in before I hit the schoolhouse again. Blue skies, Iridium P.S. pics from a flight I conducted yesterday, TJSJ to EGLL
  4. This (ice simulation) is something I've wanted for so long!
  5. As with all your products, I'm patiently excited to purchase as soon as they are ready (provided my wallet isn't starving).
  6. I desperately need this, the DC-3, and now the TBM900. But like always, I'm happy to wait. Hope all is well. Regards, Happy Return Customer
  7. I've completed two flights in it so far. It's great and I haven't found any issues whatsoever! Also, I don't have a very powerful machine, but it still runs so well!
  8. KSLE to KRBG.
  9. Flies great too!
  10. It looks gorgeous!
  11. I don't want to cause a ruckus, but it looks like V1.5 is now available. I'm installing as I speak.
  12. I don't even have a setup to fly it right now, but I went ahead and just messed around with the startup procedures just because it's such a satisfying aircraft to handle. I'm sure excited to have a fully-compatible version, but I'm happy to wait.
  13. I'm sure doing it that way will also help keep stress down, which will keep morale up, which will be good for everyone.
  14. Goran, I for one am happy waiting as long as it takes (especially since the wait is no longer even up to you). I'll always be a customer (provided I earn enough money from job, which isn't paying very much at the moment).
  15. I second this. Thank you so much for this excellent aircraft!
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