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  1. Hi there, interesting news but I got a few questions reading through the description. Will there be patches of snow or only entire square tiles? How is the transition done from snow to no snow or the other way around? Is it a smooth blending or a rough edge? Is the current weather or METAR considered when displaying snow? Because it may be cold, but it doesn't mean there must be snow around. We had -10* and more in Germany for about two weeks but eastern Germany was not snow covered for instance. Thx for your reply.
  2. Which has no influence of my decision to continue to enjoy his products If he doesn't like SMP, it's not my problem.
  3. The runway turn off lights do illuminate them, though. So until it has been fixed, you might want to use those. Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  4. I'm currently flying in africa. The demand is really low, no HD Mesh, no ortho, just default xp. I experienced it during pretty much all my flights. Some were at bright daylight, some at night (so the lights illuminating the clouds shouldn't be the cause). Sometime during cruise, sometimes during descend. If I go to plugins and disable smp and enable it again while flying, everything runs fine again. I'm experiencing this issue since the last update, because I bought rwc. This something that needs working on. I'm running xplane 10.45, windows 10. And I'm running on an AMD Card, so it has most likely nothing to do with the driver! More than 1GB of VRAM and about 10GB Ram left! Looking forward to a solution. Edit: Attached my log from my last flight Log.txt
  5. jusku

    Alt constrains

    Nobody has an idea what went wrong? Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  6. Hi everyone, first I'd like to say thank you for this great aircraft. I have a question regarding alt. constrains. Today I was flying EDDT-EHAM and one point of the STAR was missing an alt. constrain. So I added it manually for the waypoint RKN (24000B) which worked. But the descend path didn't update. As you can see in the screenshots, the constrain was simply ignored. I thought that it maybe worked if I set a different altitude and then the old one again to force the fmc to recalculate but it didn't change. Did I miss something or did anything wrong? Greetings
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