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About Wizbiscuit

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Taaa, guess thats sensible
  2. When I logon to my account, I dont have a download for the update, is the download timed?? I see this at the bottom... Cessna Corvalis TT Link expires: Wednesday 07 December, 2011 3 downloads remaining I have the original zip, but no way of getting the update??
  3. MagicISO for Windows does the trick, I have a ISO of DVD 1 of X-Plane10, and MagicISO mounts it as D:/, works perfect, even still mounted after a reboot. For sure the way to go, saves leaving you DVD in the drive, and it spinning away.
  4. Brilliant thanks for this, smashing plane, and the manual is excellent, but this A to B is a great for a newb like me. So really much thanks
  5. Yep, adding my 2 pennys. Great airplane, had a few weeks now and by far the plane I use the most, looks fantastic inside and out. For me though the instructions with all the background and stuff is where this payware stuff really stands out, fantastic amount of information included smashing. X-Aviation looks to be going from strength to strength, making my switch to X-Plane worthwhile. Thanks
  6. Yer, that link was of real interest, lots of things I for one never considered. Well I am sold, soon as NorCal is out I am flashing the plastic. Thanks for making a post also, nice to see you guys are open enough to share your thoughts.
  7. Hehe I didnt mean to point at anyone, was just interested how the scenery is developed, I was guessing that you didnt fly about in a plane taking photos The new north cal is looking really fine, and I am honestly itching to get rid of g2xpl (as good as it is), because I want to spend more time flying and less time pressing F1 and waiting 30 minutes for it to download the maps... So I understand you cant give super high rez scenery as it would be to big, but clearly some of the soon to be released stuff is getting better and better.
  8. Talk of poor old Google and all that but are the poeple who produce the scenerys paying for the images? or are they just downloading using something like g2xpl and then reducing the quality (for the sake of size of download) and then tinkering to make it look good?? I am not accusing, I just dont know if Google ever see the buckeroos... Talking of scenery, I downloaded a few demo's and didnt see much of a improvement, nothing even close to g2xpl and no 3D airports. I see this North Cal is being talked up, anybody finding good scenery, I am happy to pay for the convenance if I am honest, problem with g2xpl is you spend more time downloading than flying, but I am flying the small slow stuff, so tend to be pretty close to the ground.
  9. Yer, thanks guys thats some great links, I have been going through the aviator90 videos in order, just flying the patern around and then relanding has turning out to be a really obvious but good thing to do. I am starting to see the order I need to be learning things.
  10. Thanks, nice video BTW.
  11. Wow thats so nice information, have to do the naming bit for sure.... I will check out those areas
  12. Hi guys I have the full registered version of g2xpl, worth every penny is that, the results are stunning, but I am struggling to find some nice places to fly, I am doing lots of visual flying, but do need a few airports about with ILS and already have buildings and such. Now it takes quite some time to download the area's, so rather than take a punt, any places people have already found that are pretty, maybe have some nice hills , nice and green I would be intersted to hear...
  13. Ahh great, serves me right for not checking all the documents, these end users huh? : ;D
  14. Yer you aint wrong about the frame rate, it is poor... What about the GPS stuff, seems to work much better in FSX???
  15. Hey dont flame me (well can if you like, I can take it), I am pretty new at all this, started with FSX, then switched to X-Plane. FSX does look better out of the box, the airports do look like airports, all the taxi stuff, speech, real nice. Also you have air traffic flying about, hey and even I can land a plane without having my eyes open. Tutorials are also nice.... So lots of positive stuff to be honest, I really like it. Dont get me wrong though, I am all X-Plane now, I like the feel, though still miss air traffic some of the other stuff...
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