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Everything posted by Lukasz

  1. Actually, I would prefer the Hornet. Really
  2. Ah yes, the vertical stabilisers... You got me
  3. Su-33. It has the small canards.
  4. Agreed about landmarks. In FS9 I used to fly a lot around Hood River in Oregon. There are several distinctive mountains in that area, visible from many miles away. X-Plane fails to replicate that and the whole landscape experience is somehow limited.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visibility "In extremely clean air in Arctic or mountainous areas, the visibility can be up to 70 kilometres (43 mi) to 100 kilometres (62 mi). However, visibility is often reduced somewhat by air pollution and high humidity." Correct me if I'm wrong, but X-Plane's visibility limit is actually in statute miles, not nautical. So the above figures can be compared straight away. I remember Austin has adressed the "visibility problem" in one of his adventures, with photos taken from his plane, to prove his point of view, so to speak Because of various factors, some mentioned above, the visibility (as seen from a plane) is not that great, as many would like to think - at least it's not always that great. So, while the maximum of 25mi is easier on the hardware, it's not that totally "unrealistic". On the other hand, in real life in right conditions, I'm able to see objects like mountains from about 100km/62mi away and often I wish X-Plane had more "view distance". Hopping from island to island visually, without modern navigation instruments, is a pain. The same goes for dead reckoning. Not that many people would use it anyway, but there always has to be one outsider So yes, we could use a little more of maximum visibility, at least from time to time.
  6. Listen to the engine, watch the nose. A perfect example, that power controls altitude and pitch controls airspeed For me the Outerra engine looks too much sweet and synthetic, also somehow repetitive. It looks like an ideal world, a kind of matrix, not like a rendition of our world. Not to say it isn't pretty, but it's the same kind of prettiness like in a Barbie doll. Surely it's an interesting way to generate terrain and I'd say it has some future ahead, but also it needs more work to make world more believable and not only stunning and pretty.
  7. A good one! What I like: - music! very moody and suitable, it harmonizes well with the scenery - smooth and "realistic" control of the helicopter - nice and professional selection of camera angles, with regards to flightpath and background What could be done differently: - zoom out at 0:48-0:49 has spoiled otherwise very beautiful and smooth sequence of s-turns - gradual transition from one image to the other, short cuts would be more suitable, like on videoclips for songs; they are more dynamic like the flight itself - if you insist on these gradual transitions, then make them more rapid and shorter Special Highlight: - landing - very interesting way to put the bird down It's great to see this fantastic bird on a video, especially a well done video. Keep 'em coming please
  8. Agreed, but I'm being optimistic, for once My first-hand experience is limited to v9, but by comparing it to v8 and noting the scale of progress, both in terms of simulation and visuals, I believe that v10 will be really good. It's easier to put all those additional goodies, when you have a solid foundation to work upon and I think that v9 is pretty solid. Time will tell...
  9. After I click the link to Duchess, there is a message about Trojan: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Iframer and page is automatically forbidden to load. The same goes for any x-aviation.com subpage I try to open. Is it my computer being overprotective or is it a real malicious attack?
  10. I'm impressed by the scale of and vision behind new features of X-Plane. Also it's good to know, that v9 planes will work in v10, maybe with minor tweaks, to reflect those few little adjustments to flight model, as mentioned by Austin.
  11. Lukasz


    Alternatively, go to 3D cockpit and look right-up, over the windshield and magnetic compass. Up there are all the electrical switches: left alt+batt, cross tie, right alt+batt, avionics master. As a side note, there are also two dimmer sliders and a cabin flood light on the overhead.
  12. AI speed can be set, so I've set her to fly at 100 kts, to avoid any troubles. It turned out to be actually too slow, to the point I got carb ice because of flying less than 1800 RPM. Sundowner is surprisingly fast plane, capable of doing redline while level at 3000ft. Just trim it, have the ball centered, full throttle and lean for best power. However, if you cruised in that manner in real life, that would be rather unique way of getting some time on gliders and a new engine, if you know what I mean
  13. Lukasz

    Insane skill

    No wonder I've replaced Windows startup sound with the one of V-12 Merlin engine coming to life
  14. Lukasz

    Insane skill

    Then, how about that? I mean, sound of the engine
  15. Of course, not Duchess is being controlled by X-Plane native AI, and I'm following her manually in Sundowner.
  16. Lukasz

    Insane skill

    This, is RC skill: Flying through a tunnel was... well, insane.
  17. I wonder, would it be possible to make a version with collimated gunsight and laser guns, to be able to have mock-up dogfights? Like in Air Combat USA and similar, where you fly in real life, with instructor against other instructor. If you manage to track him and hit with a laser beam, his plane emits smoke and is "hit". I know that there is such funcionality within X-Plane and I specifically ask for non-lethal lasers, knowing your attitude towards fighters and their business. I must have asked, being a fan of WW2 fighters and modern turboprop two seat light attack-trainers. Apart from that, very nice plane, even unarmed
  18. Oh, yes! Oh, yes! I've been waiting for them ;D
  19. I have similar problem, as I do a lot of cyclic, either to do everyday commuting or just for fun and health, so my legs are somewhat big and long. Like you, I have very little room under my desk, something like in a WW2 fighter or even less. What I did, was to pull the chair I sit on, as far as possible from the desk. This way my legs are more or less horizontal and they don't have to completely fit under the desk at all. The joystick and throttle were placed on two stools (had to look into dictionary for that word ) placed next to me, one on every side. I had to the pull screen and keyboard as much as possible towards me, in order to reach it and see anything, but all of this works wery well. No problem in flying for 6 hours straight, no need to dig a hole for rudder Also my back feels a lot more comfortable now, then it used to, when I was having a joystick placed on the desk, next to a keyboard.
  20. I do use it, as a backup to dead reckoning and radionavigation, with the most useful functions of it: moving map and direct-to. I prefer having it, even in it's current form, than not having it at all.
  21. Guys, don't give up because of some haters! You're in the spearhead of X-Plane publicity and it's widely known, that's the position with the highest chances to get a medal or a bullet Or both. Try paying attention to people who like your work - I'm positive there are many of them - and don't bother with the rest. The life is too short for doing unnecessary stuff. Be like you were before - enthusiastic, polite, honest and unbiased, with authentic praise for high quality hard work and a dose of healthy constructive criticism (even if not said straight, the smart folks will read between the lines) for anything less than that. It's my general policy not to speak publicly direct criticism against any developer, as I'm aware that making even simple and medium to low quality aircraft is a lot of work and time involved, but I'll make an exception this time, for a higher good. I'm familiar with Mr Chandler's website and his planes and helicopters, I've been there even before the time I've discovered X-Aviation. Also I'm quite interested in some of his works - but judging by specific aircrafts types only. Every time I've come to the website and wanted to make a purchase, I've been asking myself a question, while looking at screenshots, "Will I have a good time sitting for an hour or two behind this generic looking panel, in this dark and lifeless cockpit?". The answer was always "No, I won't". Not because of lack of eyecandy, but mostly because lack of immersion and believability, so inherent to for example Sundowner and Falco or freeware (!) MD500 and An-2. I believe the key to raising Mr Chandler's sales, is to update his aircraft to be on par with "others", instead of lowering prices and crying over "unfair reviewers". Actually, you were quite "patient" and polite while reviewing the Bonanza. I really prefer to praise other people's work and to keep any ctiticism to private conversations or even to myself only, but this time I had enough. If we can't have truly free media even in a world of enthusiasts of a "niche computer game", or other hobby for that matter, then this world is really going to an end. Don't give up guys, I've complimented you once and I'll stand by it! You're doing good job and a favor to all the community. We have wasted enough time, what aircraft the next review will be about? MD 500? Corvalis? Or maybe the Duchess?
  22. I'm amazed. People literally "stand on their heads", to get any tiniest sample of information regarding next incarnation of X-Plane. Finally, after long waiting, that information becomes available. I'd expect some positive feedback, like "Finally!", "At last, thanks Austin " and more along that line. At least that's what I've been thinking while reading e-mail from Austin and looking on screens. Instead, I see whining over lack of antialiasing and other "defects". It's just like to go to Hawaii in a middle of the summer, lay on the beach and whine all the time, that's it's so darn hot! Good Lord! Who cares? New X-Plane is almost there, wake up people! On top of that, probably like half of us will turn AA off or lower it considerably anyway, to save on fps...
  23. http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m570.l1313&_nkw=saitek+rudder&_sacat=See-All-Categories I got mine for something like 128$, with delivery included. I think rudder pedals only, the X52Pro stick + throttle was a completely different purchase, around 186$, with delivery included. I have them for two years by now and they're still in good shape, despite many hours of peaceful flights and frantic dogfights. The X52Pro could have more buttons and have them better placed, but it get's the job done perfectly and I don't have enough money to go for Thrustmaster. I had to remove the inner centering spring and stupid idle-afterburner gates, though.
  24. First, look at the screens. Both were made during the same flight, with weather controlled only and entirely by REX. Take note how the wind direction is displayed. X-Plane's weather menu shows it's blowing "from right to left" or from east to west, as indicated by the arrow and 101 direction. The same is shown by mini-window found on C400's PFD (a horizontal arrow with "20" next to it). Finally, the REX window shows a wind diagram, that loks the same - "from right to left". So far so good. The only thing that puzzled me, was why under the wind diagram, REX has displayed wind direction as "266"? That alone would mean, that wind was blowing from west to east - while it was doing exactly opposite. It seems, that calculating wind direction numbers is reversed, from what it should be. Metars always tell, from what direction the wind is blowing, not where it is going, so a number between 90-110 would be correct.
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