Hi, Perry, I'm pretty sure the CRJ is unlike any aircraft ever produced for X-Plane up to this point. I could be wrong, but as far as I know it will be the first aircraft to come up with vector driven displays, and this is where your CPU comes in. The "special tech" you are referring especially applies to those people with more than two cores, but will also be applicable to dual core machines. I don't know how old your Macbook is. I'm really not in a good spot to say, but my inclinations tell me that your Dual Core running at 2.66 and only 256MB may be a bit aged for this product. I got the computer in December of 2009, so it's not too old. For heavens sake, I can't afford to get a new computer every month! Well, if I turn down my res in X-Plane maybe I'll be able to handle it better. I'll do some research and see. Looking at Javier's window laptop performance, I think mine will probably handle better than his.