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Everything posted by Vinny003

  1. Hi, Cameron! It looks like the dc-3 v1.2 have most of it's switches functional! i'm not 100% sure, did I report any bugs in the dc-3 that's needs fixing? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  2. Hi, guys! I don't know if I posted this in the right place or not, but I got a couple of feature requests for the dc-3 update: is it takes some time for the propellers to stop rotating after once I stop the engines (in the current version of dc-3, the propellers stop rotating too quickly when I stop the engines) & more functioning switches like the artificial horizon cage knob cage the artificial hoziron, more functioning switches on the overhead panel and more functioning switches on the main instrument panel. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  3. Hi, Hobelflieger! Thanks for the link! It is very interesting! Cheers, Vincent
  4. Hi, Cameron! I'll give google a try to find what I'm looking for. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  5. Hi, guys! Question for you, does the DC-3 used floats in 1935? i know the dc-3 use floats today. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  6. Hi, Hobelflieger! That's what I thought! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  7. Hi, Hobelflieger! I really like the original dc-3 cockpit from 1935 with good old fashion mechanical and steam gauges! Question for you, the LES dc-3 cockpit layout is from the original 1935 dc-3 cockpit, right? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  8. Hi, Hobelflieger! Got it! Thanks! When I fly in the mountainous terrain, I would fly higher than 10,000 feet. I'll see you forward at dc3airways.com too! Cheers, Vincent
  9. Hi, Hobelflieger! Are those the cruise settings you posted for the dc-3? What is the best flying altitude for the dc-3 for the cruise settings what you posted? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  10. Hi, Goran! That'll be great! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  11. Hi, Goran! That is true I could change the flight model of the dc-3 to make it fly longer but I wouldn't recommend altering the flight model as dong so would render the dc-3 useless and void the support!! And yes, I can go into fuel and payload screen and fill up while flying and no problem with that. What is the ideal altitude, ideal thottle, ideal mixture, and ideal propeller settings for longest endurance time possible in the dc-3? i looked in the manual but I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for and the dc-3 performance charts in the manual is very confusing. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  12. Hi, guys! That makes sense! Question for you, is there a way to keep the dc-3 flying for 10 hours with a full tank of fuel, and what is the longest endurance time of the dc-3 with the full tank of fuel? I checked this out on the Internet but I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  13. Hi, guys! I think I'm having the same problem what you are having too. In the wheels version of the dc-3, the instruments dimmer knob on the overhead panel doesn't work, and I believe the smaller dimmer knob on the overhead panel next to the battery switch don't work either, but in the floats version of the dc-3 the instrument dimmer knob on the overhead panel and the smaller dimmer knob on the overhead panel next to the battery switch works like what it suppose to. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  14. Hi, Goran! i have load of fuel with no payload, any passengers: 0 passengers, outside temperature: 59 degrees F at sea level, altitude: 20,000 feet above sea level, throttle setting: 90%, mixture setting: 75 % of full rich, winds: calm. Thanks! @ Hobelflieger: thanks for the link, I'll check it out! Cheers, Vincent
  15. Hi, guys! I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for so I thought I'd better start a new topic. I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for in the dc-3 manual. How do I get the dc-3 to fly 10 hours or more? It was said that the dc-3 flew across the United States in as little as 15 hours with full tank of fuel(avgas). Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  16. Hi, guys! Question for you, does the dc-3 have a heading hold or no, and how do I change the direction of flight? I think somebody was saying about the compass and the compass gyro on the bottom of the compass don't match? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  17. Hi, guys! I really like the dc-3 airplane! Please keep up the excellent work on making the dc-3 addon better!!! Thanks!!! Cheers, Vincent
  18. Hi, guys! I saw that the new x-plane 10.25 beta 1 is released. I don't know if I should download it or not since I'm using x-plane strictly for flying? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  19. Hi, guys! Go into plane maker and mess with the Saab 340A configuration settings is a big no no as it would render the Saab 340A totally useless & definitely void any support!!! If I encounter any more problems with the Saab 340A I definitely would wait for the update!!! Cheers, Vincent
  20. Hi, guys! I'm waiting for the Saab 340A update very patiently considering my x-plane is totally run out of memory and the Saab 340A pauses every now and then. Please keep up the excellent work on the Saab 340A update! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  21. Hi, guys! I the hang of the vor to vor navigation, I've flown from Reno to Chicago and from Chicago to San Francisco! Question for you, how do I fly from San Francisco to Honolulu using vor to vor navigation? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  22. Hi, Ben! That makes sense! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  23. Hi, guys! I used the search feature but I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for, but I got a question regarding the JRollon CRJ-200 cockpit functionality. Does the JRollon CRJ-200 cockpit have the same amount of functioning switches like the LES Saab 340A does? Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  24. Hi, Cameron! Okay! Got it! Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
  25. Hi, Cameron!! When is the Saab 340A update will be released? That'll be good news because my x-plane has totally run out of memory. Thanks! Cheers, Vincent
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