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  1. Is this happening to anyone else? The Tanks do not turn on. It will not start.
  2. Looking forward to flying it. I have been very happy with all your planes..so I trust you. I am not crazy about the Cirrus wandering as I taxi it but i just quit flying it. All the others are so sweet. Thanks for this
  3. Yes, Thank you I got that. I really appreciate your help Regards
  4. sorry, Thank you. regards
  5. ok. I do not know how to figue out ZFW and GW. sigh
  6. no fuel panel in the Ground services or start state in the pop up menu. where can I find it. The manual shows a picture of the pop up that does not look at all like the one on my plane .
  7. You did such a wonderful Job on the first 737 you did. I am looking forward to your new one. I know you will do your absolute best. All the best Regards
  8. ok.. that did the trick.. I still do not understand.. It worked on all the betas.. oh well. Thank you so much for your help Regards
  9. I do not know what zink is or where to find it..or how to disable the SMS..What is a SMS? ooooh.. I have to edit the airplane? wow..ok lol. I will give it a try... grits teeth. It was never a problem when I was testing the Betas.. HUmm Regards
  10. I am sory if this is the wrong place to ask for support but...I downloaded all the 4 of the new Cirrus's for xplane 12 planes..but when I went to fly them..after one was selected XPlane would crash to desktop. It did the same with all of them. I would select the plane and start the flight and boom crash to desktop. It never happened before. sooo.I removed them all..re-downloaded just the SR20 1000 and tried it..Crashed to desktop.. I rried downloading with different browsers and it made no difference. CTD Does anyone have any idea what might be causing it? Thank you so much. I am using: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019 3.6 GHz Intel 8-Core i9 64 GB 2667MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8GB macOS 13.2.4 Xplane 12.05b1 X55 Saitek Pro Rhino Stick X55 Saitek Rhino Throttle Log.txt
  11. You did such a great job with the XPlane 11 737..I am happy to pay you for one in XPlane 12. Will we hve to shimmy up or down a rope to get into the plane? I love your work. I only expect your best..time is not the issue..quality is..
  12. I would be haappy to pay for an upgrade to 12.
  13. I am looking forwaard to it!!!
  14. wow oh wow...It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
  15. It is such great work.. I am looing forward to buying it and flying it.. I hope it works in XP 12.
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