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Everything posted by mtaxp

  1. Blocks are not rendered randomaly-> Much more textures variation-> much more eye candy. I also edited some data refs art controls , the scattering effect is amazing,I'll share the values in a txt file with the download. We are working now to model more land marks. Don't bother the lack of photoreal for now. PS. performance are excellant,I'm using MAX settings in XP (including Max shadows) in exception of the AA that's set to 2XSSAA. As I posted before my GPU is a poor one (GTX 460 1GB),so the performance per settings is just excellant!
  2. Thanks! will look into it
  3. I placed many objects via Overlay Editor,however,I want to add more variations,but to the same "object calls",is there any way that I can force XP10 load random OBJ's to the same spot?
  4. Night work is and performance optimizations are done! Now you can easily recognize the streets between the buildings. Performance is improved in 100%-150% (depends is the situation), my rendering settings are set to MAX except HDR AA that is set to 2XSSAA+FXAA and shadows (none at all), BTW I'm using an old GTX 460 1GB,so the performance is great. Let's that the standart to today is about GTX660 2GB minimum,this card can easily manage 30-35 FPS
  5. Thanks ALOT! that worked
  6. for example: I duplicated X.obj & Y.obj many times in a different places via Overlay Editor, but then I want to remove ONLY X.obj's, is there any way that I can choose "Delete all the object that are named X.obj" in Overlay Editor/WED or any other program ? Hope you understood
  7. The cloud visibility is now excellant Thanks !
  8. Looks great! How it'll be with Photo sceneries? I mean,will photo sceneries still be the same in winter,or those textures will take the place?
  9. This wishlist is excatly as mine except from another thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BArxUkxIyx8 I watched this video and I prety sure that he is using SMP,is there any option that we can increase the clouds resolution? I think if so,it'll make SMP clouds no less than perfect!
  10. All is great now,thanks Cameron!
  11. Hey,I have downloaded SMP many times because I had some problems with my computer,and now I can't download it again as it says I have 0 downloads remaining,what can I do...? Thanks
  12. Awesome! it'll be perfect with HDR rendering it's really nice to see that quantity of projects that you are working on...My dream is WaterMAXX based on SunDog's technology (just like SMP) as the default water looks too blackish
  13. I sent Y-MAN a messgae in the org and he did the mesh fix for me as i didn't solve the problem with raster toll on my hardaware,but the bottom line is the the mesh was fixed thanks to him BTW it seems a rasterTool bug with win7 64bit,im using it also,and for Y-MAN (linux i think but not windows for sure) all is ok.
  14. Thanks! Tel Aviv is done! still many LandMarks are misiing of course but I'm talking about populating Tel Aviv. Meanwhile I'm working on ZL19 HD Photoreal for LLBG Area,every airport area will get this detail,closer you get to an airport (does not matter which) the detail will be much more impressive:
  15. It's time for some new pic's * Still many Land Marks are missing Yad Elyahu area,where the maccabi's basketball arena is located (anyone who is following the Euroleague must know what I'n talking about ),but the arena isn't modeled yet,However you can see it in the photoreal We have a new "H" shape block,and there will be a new apartments tower to add more variations and eye candy. The marine area: We also did many changes in the night lightning; We added some windows lights to the blocks and every Land Mark got his own night textures. I.E. YOO towers (at the bottom of the pictures,the yellow/white rings) VS Azrieli Complex ( the 3 in with the many windows lightnings in the middle of the picture) A picture that shows Tel Aviv's skyline at night,with the hotels infront,and the towers behind:
  16. Yet not new pictures,but some important things that changed the I need to explain. First of all we collected some BETA testers that'll get the project soon to test it. The first release will be BETA 0.7,not the classic meaning of "BETA",it'll not include bugs or whatever,it's just our first area that we will release,Tel Aviv & LLBG's area. We changed ALL the photoreal,we used G2XPL to generate a photoreal from google servers,however,google orthophotos for israel are made from parts,which means that there are many color abrupt changes,and that does not look good. Now we are using other source that has a "clear" imagery for Israel,but it's semi automated,it includes many "Print screen" that well be cuted and optimaized via Photoshop to fet excatly the XP10's terrain,I created and Action for that (so it'll edit al the photos by it self),and I just need to place it with Overlay Editor,just like a puzzle Moreover,we added many bulidng variations,more apartments towers shapes,more Blocks ("H" shape,"T" shape),and many more Landmarks,and all to make the area as real as we can. A note about performance- In a standart hardaware (GTX660 2GB) and not High End one,we get 24FPS in average in a high render settings (HDR 4XSSAA with ALL of the autogen),if we match it to XP10's default Israel,we have hunderds time more autogen,and the the average is 4-5FPS less. The ideal target in our opinion and according to LR is 25-30,so we are actually there,but we are also looking forward to 10.30 that supposed to give XP10 a great performance boost so that the average will be 30+ So don't worry about that,we are doing great! Soon some new pictures
  17. Problem solved with the new Update
  18. Hey, With the new reflections on the water there is a bug that I noticed: WITHOUT reflections all is well: WITH reflections,notice the the teared pictures: Could you please test it (it's noticable when above the clouds layer) and see if it's a bug in SMP or it's just me? And 2 more questions: 1) When I "escape" from a clouds the fade out effect of the visibility isn't smooth,I mean,it feels like breaking through walls. When flying toward a cloud,or through it,all is fine,it's only when i get out of the cloud. 2) Could you please make the clouds at night time a bit darker? it's majoraly noticeable when using reflections on the sea,you can see white spots... Keep on great work guys! This product is really awesome and is getting better in every update
  19. Purchased SKY MAXX PRO for a future use,IXEG 733 when comes,is next! Well,after this project I'm going to buy a HIGH-END PC,been saving mony for a while And that's how it looks in Tel aviv's beach infront of the hotels: For the next couple of weeks we are going to a work on many new LandMarks (there are 25+- more,just in Tel Aviv )
  20. I'm going to use this topic to ask my question When I "escape" from a cloud the fade out effect of the visibility isn't smooth,I mean,it feels that I'm breaking throught walls... When I enter& fly through the clouds,all is great,perfect volumetric clouds BTW,really amazing product!
  21. Some more night lightining work. I found a new txt file the enhances the overall lightning in XP10,I'll recomend to use it with our scenery. Also,all the landmarks that we modeled/converted for now got night textures,and the blocks in addition,got night textures so you can see that there are many buildings down there:
  22. It's time for another little preview Some night work,Land Marks night textures and X3 more street lights which provides more spectacular lights:
  23. Main post updated. The photoreal inside the blue area wil be ZL18,while other parts of Israel will be ZL15. This is better than default textures for Israel,and will give a better view in the horizon. The photoreal package is 4GB when Zipped,when it's a RAR File it will be much less. Bat Yam with ZL18:
  24. Mmm actually no. Tel aviv blocks have almost the same height (Also the hall middle part israel) but the buildings on the beach are usually higher because in their first 1-2 floors it's mostly some resturants or other private shops,because of the attractive location on the beach,which brings many tourists. However,we did consider that,but you will not notice this at 2000 feet...but you will notice the many hotels of course.
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