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  • Birthday 05/04/1983

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  1. Many thanks for your answer. I’ll be monitoring that ! In the meantime I wish you all the best for your C525 release. Charles
  2. Hi, Just a quick question. Will the G500 be compatible with the future TDSim GTN when it is released ? By compatible, I mean will it be able to display approaches ? I do not own the G500 but this limitation is what refrained me from buying it (the only option was RXP but database cannot be updated). As I saw that the new C525 will be compatible (and by the way that is where I discovered that TDSsim was developing an X Plane version !) and I think that the dev team is partially the same, it made me wonder. Best regards Charles MOULIN
  3. Hi, Owner of the TBM, probably very soon owner of the Challenger, looking for a discord invite if possible. Best regards. Charles MOULIN
  4. tango4

    Update issue

    Sorry guys, I missed that ! I am still rather new to the xplane world (compared to my 25 years with esp...). I am still fiddling with settings and I am still tuning my sim. Now that I read this, I also moved the reflection slider. I also touched VSync and Threaded optimization in my drivers but I could not reproduce the issue and figured it was not this. I totally forgot I touched this slider. Anyway, many thanks to Ghislain. And not related, but thanks to the dev team, first for this awesome plane (which I clearly think is a game changer in the Xplane world) and second for the support in this forum. Charles
  5. tango4

    Update issue

    Freaking strange, it seems the issue disappeared after a computer reboot. I'm trying to see if something else could explain it but I can't find anything. Running drivers 419.35 for info. Charles
  6. tango4

    Update issue

    +1 here same issue. If AOA is up, the issue appears. AOA down, no issue. Best regards. Charles
  7. Thanks a lot to both of you. It may indeed have something to do with tyre friction and the fact that engine failure seems a bit sudden in XPLANE. Because the issue I have is really with the initial reaction. Once airborne the 737 is a bit tricky with an engine out especially at high gross weight, but it does seem realistic (here I have difficulties also, but because of my lack of skills !). Anyway, I really appreciate your help. Charles
  8. Well, that's what I call fast support ! Thanks a lot for your help. Just a small confirmation: as I do not know a good take off performance calculator for that plane, I usually use FMC computed V Speeds. I guess the V1 it provides should be OK as long as I am not limited by the runway length or obstacle clearances. Could you confirm that assumption is right with regards to that specific issue ? What I might do is trigger the engine failure 2 or 3 knots above V1 just to be on the safe side regarding Vmcg. Charles
  9. Hi IXEG team, My question is especially directed to Jan. First of all all what I will say below is with X-Plane 11.05 and IXEG 1.2 Here is my issue: I want to practice some engine failures at V1. I am using default XPlane failure (engine failure at a specific speed which I arm for V1). I tried it at different weights. My problem is that I have the feeling that the initial reaction of the aircraft is way too abrupt and rudder not efficient enough. I don't have enough rudder authority to counter it, and for example if I fail Eng1 the aircraft veers to the left EXTREMELY fast and I can't even stay on the runway almost every time. (Sorry I can't be more precise). It's as if the engine goes from full power to zero power instantaneously Now, I don't pretend to be an awesome pilot of course ! The reason I have the feeling there is something strange is that I am consistently able to counter such a failure on other sims known for their quality flight models like Aerowinx PSX and Majestic Q400. Jan, I'd be interested to get your take on it or point me to a specific technique for this aircraft. All the best. Charles MOULIN
  10. Thanks a lot ! I don't know who you are (did not find any contact on your website) but know that your work is greatly appreciated ! Congratulations for that website. Charles
  11. First, thanks to both of you for your help. I am actually using the profile you just mentioned ( Boeing 737-300 CFM56-3 20k.txt ). But it does not include advanced performance like cost index. No big deal, though. It's just that I recently discovered this website I mentioned and got their q400 profile which seems much more detailed than the default one (more climb/descent options for example). And I read on this very forum about the existence of a B733 profile from this website tailored to the IXEG version. But the link is incorrect (all the other links I tried on this website were correct, the IXEG one is unfortunately the only broken one I could find; to be more precise, it is not broken, but pointing to the wrong profile). Charles
  12. Hi Guys, I am looking for a PFPX profile for the IXEG 737. Apparently, there is a very good one discussed elsewhere in this forum supposed to be here: http://airlinerperformance.net/2016/04/boeing-737-300/ The problem is that the link is pointing to a B737-600 profile. And I can't seem to find anyway to contact the author of this website. If anyone knows how to contact the owner of the site, or if one of you guys has the file in question, I'd really appreciate if you could share it somehow. I hope I am posting this request in the right forum. Thanks in advance for any help. Charles
  13. Thanks a lot for Chiming in Tchou ! Charles
  14. I think you might have nailed it ! I am rather new to the X-Plane world and still fiddling with things. I'm using SkymaxxPro, RealWXConnector and XPNOAA weather and I think I forgot to check the wind on that specific test where I had the issue. And as an added factor, I am more used to the 737NG/747/777 screen layout and so I might not have paid attention to it on the ND. I just ran another quick and dirty test with almost no wind this time, and did not see the issue ! But once on the runway, the aircraft did not properly track centerline. But I did notice that there was no "rollout" mode on the FMA. Sorry to bother you again (promise, I'll start working on my FCOM !) but on the 737 classic, when performing an autoland, are you supposed to disengage the AP as soon as you are or the ground ? On the 747 for example, where only ailerons and elevators are controlled by AP in normal modes, when going to LAND3, rudder becomes active too, and on the runway, aircraft does follow the centerline. But once again it is not the same aircraft so this might be a 737 classic specificity. Many thanks for your very kind support. Charles
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