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Everything posted by peteb

  1. I've been away from X-Plane for a while and I'm not sure if I have the 1.2 version of the Seamax. I've checked the 'Plane txt' and it reads 1.1. I don't recall getting an email for the upgrade... but then my memory's not what it was. Is there a way to check if I have the latest version? Edit: I've just loaded the plane and see no sign of a Garmin. So it appears I didn't receive the update email.
  2. I've just bought the Mentor and found the same problem. I do think the reflections are overdone a bit. I've used Photoshop to tone them down - used the eraser with about 60-70% opacity. So they are still visible but not so intrusive.
  3. @Steve W. Hi Steve, I was just browsing through looking for MU-2 paints and came across your paints for the Duchess. The ones supplied aren't very inspiring. I really like the maroon version - very classy. I don't suppose you could do one for me? I'm not worried about the tail number.
  4. I'm really looking forward to this update - making a great plane better. And thank you for making the click/drag option....... Roll on September!!
  5. Just like to throw my hat into the ring and say many thanks for this new site; having found it through buying the MU-2 and the new Falco. Two of the best planes I have. I'll have to mothball the rest - stop 'em getting rusty. :☽
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