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Everything posted by domhenry

  1. Have you tried WorldEditor? WED..
  2. Sounds good. Perhaps even a better price for recent purchases. Go harm is asking
  3. Hi Goran You mentioned a paid upgrade?
  4. Thanks Frank - didn't realise XP didn't know the year - so yes it was right - the Moon didnt rise till the morning and set before dusk on that day back in 2014....
  5. Yes may be some problems there - the Moon over Brisbane is in about 17% tonight - the weather real and simulated is clear - but there is no sign of the simulated Moon in XP V11 with SMP4.5.
  6. Hi This from the system log - otherwise I can't see any other messages.. May 20 09:43:31 Dom-Henrys-iMac com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.bitrock.appinstaller.21896[11541]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1 May 20 09:43:41 Dom-Henrys-iMac com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.quicklook[11559]): Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.quicklook
  7. Ticket #ZBJCA and Ticket #PLSFF - sorry didn't realise email also created a ticket....
  8. thanks for responding - I already logged problem as per the link this morning - no response so far
  9. Same problem still here too - and I installed SMP last week with no problems... I wonder if the distribution needs a rebuild at yr end?
  10. Hi I just purchased and have the same problem....
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