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Everything posted by estokes

  1. I'm not asking someone to fix it for me, I am simply wondering if anyone can identify the actual cause of the issue as I am not very familiar with apt.dat's and building airport layouts. X-Plane crashes a couple hours in when I have the airport installed, so that make longer flights impossible. I simply said that I don't have the time at the moment to get a long haul flight going and whatnot just to generate the error. I think you misunderstood what I was asking for.
  2. Hoping someone can help me out with this issue... Typically after about an hour or two flying in X-Plane, it totally crashes with no sort of explanation. A quick glance at the log.txt revealed that it couldn't find an appropriate flow at CAM9. (water airport located on Sea Island in Vancouver) I have a YVR scenery converted from FSX which I removed from the X-Plane folder and I have not experienced the crash at all since. However I really enjoy flying in/out of CYVR so it is frustrating to not be able to use the scenery. A solution to stop the crash would be greatly appreciated. I would attach my log however I don't have the time to sit around for a couple hours to recreate the error.
  3. Upon running the installer for RealScenery Phoenix on my new computer, I went to grab the serial from my X-Aviation account it now says that my key is expired. I've only used it once which was on my old computer. Do I have to email someone to reset it, or what are my next steps from here? Thanks
  4. I recently converted Taxi2Gate's VHHH scenery to use in XP, everything converted pretty good for the most part except the runways and taxiways are very... odd. The runways and taxiways are partially invisible when a certain distance away, and when you get up close to them they look pretty messed up. As well, on parts of the taxiways it gets very bumpy when navigating an aircraft through. Any advice? Thanks in advance
  5. Excellent pics. May I ask which LHR scenery you are using?
  6. Sorry to bother you again Cameron, I am in the .ini file now. There are two folders, one is Phoenix_HR and the other is Phoenix, so I should just edit to make sure that KSDL is loaded after both, correct? And the fix you mentioned for the XP objects appearing over the top of the scenery worked great, thanks again for that.
  7. Thanks for the quick help! I am very happy with the product now.
  8. Thanks for the speedy reply Cameron. I have attached a screenshot of the issue on this post. Another issue I'm having which I forgot to mention: I have a custom scenery of KSDL (scottsdale airport) which will not show up with the Phoenix RealScenery. Any idea on how I can fix this? Thanks. http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/ethanstokes777/media/ScreenShot2014-04-06at83149PM_zps6a222167.png.html
  9. I just purchased and installed RealScenery Phoenix. It's a wonderful scenery, expect I've run into a problem. It appears that default X-Plane 10 Autogen has appeared on top of the scenery, which totally ruins it. Any advice on how to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.
  10. Nice screenshots! Is this Peter Hager's A380? And on the 5th screenshot- what application is that running on the right side?
  11. Wow! Best one I've seen, by far. Excellent work.
  12. Looks amazing!! I'm hoping that after the initial release we will see this for the FlightFactor 777 and 757. Looks fantastic!
  13. Nice livery! BTW, is that FSdreamteam JFK scenery in the photos? Thanks.
  14. Awesome, could you make an Air Tahiti livery for the a340-300? Thank you very much!
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