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Everything posted by scotchegg

  1. I disagree. You're being highly partisan. Posts from you saying some in the community are possibly misinterpreting Ben's intentions and / or warning them not to let emotions get in the way, be objective and ditch the provocative language towards one of the community: 5 Posts from you saying Ben is possibly misinterpreting Froogle's intentions and / or warning him not to let emotions get in the way, be objective and ditch the provocative language towards one of the community: 0
  2. Well it looks like some of the devs with the most attractive products are in contact so hopefully we can start showing XPlane shine to another audience. Cameron I'm tempted to respond to your partisan defense of Ben's posts but I have a feeling it would just rile you, get me banned and leave more people with a surprisingly unpleasant taste in their mouth. Hopefully this is one of those 'all's well that ends well' situations.
  3. BTW I think Ben's a pussycat really. He's just having one of those days. He did Gizmo. He can't be all bad.
  4. OK Pete (actually, can I call you Froogle?), thanks for dropping by. You can ignore the PM I just sent on FB. And good luck!
  5. Reasonable questions. Only 3 developers does sound like he didn't exactly go hell for leather. I'll shoot him a PM to ask.
  6. Truth hurts? Here's another one. You're a dick.
  7. There are lots of 'FSX guys' who are interested in maybe becoming 'X Plane guys' but just need to be enticed. Videos seem a logical way to do this and good though they are, Redpiper's videos don't have the audience his do.
  8. The guy takes the risk of saying publicly to his (if you're right mostly MSFS) audience, one of the biggest flightsim vlogs on the Tube that he believes it's probably time to give up on FSX and start exploring the potential of XPlane and you dismiss him as a nobody who's just trying to get free stuff to go with his $300 equipment? That's disappointing.
  9. To do in-depth videos to show his 15,000 subscribers in your target market? Well that's one reaction you could have I guess.
  10. that the dev community needs to cooperate more in building the sim. So if you're one of the devs that he's contacted hit him up with a comp. copy of your stuff so he can make a video to show his subscribers.
  11. Sounds fairly near. Jolly good...
  12. Been a few weeks since the original post. Any updates?
  13. This is extremely disappointing, especially after having my expectations built up to near fever-pitch by recent videos and screenshots. An explanation would be appreciated.
  14. Well, after reading this today http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24989-rex-for-xplane-10/?p=200971 I guess there's no point holding out for an XP10 version of REX anytime soon, so provided the price isn't too outrageous my card will be broken out for SkyMaxx.
  15. Will the final UI have pictures of the colours next to the numbers? Probably asking for a bit too much but will the program be able to choose colours that most accurately reflect the real colour of the sky in a chosen area? If I go for a dusk flight in Yemen in September I actually have no idea what colour the sky should be...
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