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Everything posted by scotchegg

  1. Good point. Another reason to buy John's stuff, always tweaking and improving, usually for free.
  2. Yeah, if you can get automatic season changes I'd pay for textures. Crank up your marketing machine John lad!
  3. As the guy who was just about to sit in a bathtub of Heinz for charity said to his assistants, "spill the beans".
  4. Know something we don't or just a summary of the above:)?
  5. Jesus fecking Christ those textures are amazing.
  6. I appreciate it might not be everyone's priority but it really does help some of us with the immersion factor. On the other hand if you've gone to the trouble of adding some very nice muck, grime and other wear and tear to the surfaces in your VC, it does make me wonder why you wouldn't also spend a bit of time on the windows. If you don't agree fair enough; I doubt it'll affect your sales very much either way. As for the Carenado reflections, I see your point that dynamic reflections would be much more convincing, but they're a pretty good compromise and certainly add to the feeling of 'being there' when in VC mode.
  7. Having just moved to a new flat (same city but a move just the same) and also just started a Masters degree, I completely sympathise. Not that I condone any shunting of the Jag down your list of life priorities you understand. After all, the quicker it gets done, the quicker you can move onto the EE Lightning I know you must be privately thinking about... Just kidding, the best of British with your studies and I'll keep my support a bit more in the wings for the time being!
  8. You'd rather look out at your wingtip with no visual idea of enclosure between your seat and the 100s of knots of airflow passing by outside? That's not really a window. That's a hole.
  9. (Cough) Cockpit shots! (Cough)
  10. Yeah, but all that systems fidelity has gone to waste when I look out the window and think "oh, some ful forgot to put the glass in".
  11. I like it that someone actually disagreed with my question.
  12. Like window reflections....?
  13. Preferably oiled and from a mature babe? Anyone?
  14. Stratus? Maybe I've just been unlucky with the metars recently. I'll try putting the weather in myself to get some stratus.
  15. Will we get to see other cloud types? Currently I only see cumulus and cirrus.
  16. The work you guys are doing here is amazing. Are you using photoscenery for the textures? Is the effect very different if you use stock XP textures?
  17. Right you are! Good to know it's still a very active project
  18. Hi John Now that you've brought joy to the masses with your shadow-casting fluffy balls, any closer to bringing joy to the masses with some seasonal changes? http://maxx-xp.com/?page_id=23
  19. This thread is great. If it was a girl I'd definitely hit it. Big time.
  20. Great liveries; particularly like the white underside. The winter camo will make it into first release, right....? Think I'm more excited about this project than any other plane in my simming life so far. Look forward to the cockpit shots!!
  21. *cough*
  22. Strongly agree with this. A polished, global product will really be worth the wait.
  23. Will be waiting with baited breath...!
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