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scotchegg last won the day on September 24 2014

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  1. Thanks CDU, yes, the download was there in my account page with the discount rate charged. Cameron, I haven't had any confirmation emails though so when you get a minute, if you could just could just confirm it was only the one order charged to my card that would be helpful.
  2. Gents As per title, I can't submit my order or a support ticket as I keep getting the following error message: "SMTP Error: Data not accepted. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xaviat/public_html/catalog/includes/classes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php:586) in/home/xaviat/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 51" First time I tried I did get to entering my card details with the discount code, but when I pressed confirm order I got the above message. Next time the discount code didn't apply and so the order would only quote the full price of 39.95. Then when I tried to submit my support ticket I got the above message again. Any ideas?
  3. I saw your Gizmo questions to Ben recently and thought as much. My cash waits patiently...
  4. FSGlobal have a picture on their FB page with their coming XP build using SMP 2 clouds
  5. Understood. The default weather is just about passable these days anyway, especially in the US, and I generally don't go up high enough to need winds aloft.
  6. The fog and full cloud layers look stunning; from the pictures and video well worth the $20 to upgrade. A couple of questions: - it has mie scattering - will SMP 3.0 work with the RTH plugin? The reason I ask is that has a setting for mie scattering as well. - have there been any changes in 10.40 allowing SMP to get data from plugin weather engines like NOAA or even FS Global when it becomes available? Not a deal breaker, just interested.
  7. Been a couple of weeks. Will you be releasing this update soon?
  8. Rats. Every time I see your name on the "What did you fly today?" thread I always think you're going to quietly tease some more seasons shots.
  9. Problems aside I'm glad you're alive and the project is ongoing. Because I want it.
  10. I've put in a lot more time with it now the frames have improved. And they really have improved, to the point it's one of my smoother rides. It's allowed me to enjoy some of the extra little effects like the automatic checklist and the views. Really nice for people who usually can't spare time to sit down with more complex systems. And the modelling / textures / sounds really are drop-dead gorgeous. It's quickly becoming my favourite plane. Now if they could just put some cockpit glass in...(ducks).
  11. Better frames, consistently nice panel textures, sounds etc. Nice update. But seriously, still no cockpit glass?! This is the only payware plane I have with empty spaces between the cockpit struts. Why go to so much trouble recreating lovely little nicks and wear and tear on the fascia surfaces, only not to spend the hour or two it would take to put some visible sense of glass in the windshields?
  12. You tease.
  13. Do I see seasonal textures / autogen in that first pic...?
  14. Very good. Love this area so a nice base would be great.
  15. Hang in there old chap. Looking good.
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