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Everything posted by meshboy

  1. How about a new video with some demo of a small system? I have watched the pneumatics demo about 250 000 times, would be nice to learn something new! =) Maybe you could do a new electric demo with same kind of voice description?
  2. Screenshot time! Maybe one more night photo? Or maybe a picture of the pfd in action on an ils?
  3. meshboy

    New X-Plane 10 Video Released

    Ooooooh my god! You just killed fsx!!!!
  4. Any chance for same kind of video demonstrating some fmc features?
  5. This is o cool, talk about system depth! Am i right about this? 1 recirc fan - just a fan that helps move air through the plane for always get fresh air. 2 isolation valve - just to block / open air from left to right o be able to change preassure on each side 3 apu bleed - air from apu engine, needed to start engines with packs off. Then i honesly dont get it, what is 1,2 and L and R pack? Is the bottom 1 and 2 switch air from/to the engines? Is the pack some kind of pump that can be shut off or go on "high" mode? Anyway , looks like i need to study the fcom. Any chance for tutorial after release?
  6. Wow! This is the best cockpit i have ever seen in any sim!
  7. Nice screenshot! This bird is going to be great! The rollout is the phase after flare right? And i guess the rollout makes the airplane stay in centerline and deploy speedbrakes? Cant wait to take this baby out in heavy fog and do a autoland at night! With x-plane 10 coming, weather and lighting will probably be even better than v9!
  8. I think it is time for a new screenshot! =) How are things holding up? Any progress on the FMC? Is the 737-classic certified to to a CAT IIIb autoland? Will this plane have the features to be able to perform an autoland? maybe the real 737-classic don´t have this?
  9. I have the pmdg 737ngx and it is perfect system-wise. But i have stopped flying it due to FSX, i really don´t like that platform. No dynamic lighting and bad FPS and with its cartoonish look. Can´t wait for both a perfect 737 and the perfect X-Plane flightsim platform! Great work, keep it up. I will buy both V9 and v10.
  10. I just bought this aircraft and it looks great! Ive got Gizmo working and the Airplane seems to be in takeoff config when loaded. How can i load this aircraft into cold-and-dark state? even if i shut down all the battery and generators the engines are still on and i can add thrust and move the plane ???
  11. Never mix whine, beer and whiskey on one night...
  12. First of all i want to make somthing clear... nr 1, i am pretty drunk tonigthh!t! nr" , i work as a software develpooer! I understab´dndnd that the product thas to be promoted and a way of doing thit is to create hype before the product is relaesad! The CRJ-200 (And now i ma telelinf the truth!!! IS THE BEST I HSCSACE SEEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFEEEEE!!!!) But i think it is time for the 3D developers to just surprize the audince when the product is ready! This is due to the PMDG 737 (4 years development) The 757 Lelve-d (4 years) Airsimmer A320 (100 years) I think the audience and the people is tired of following forums 4-5 years before product realse. If i had a company and a great product that weill take the FS world by storm (CRJ-200) i woul think the best way to do this is to annouce the product 3 weeks beofre realse and then enjopy the downloads... Im preety waitsetd tongith , but all i want to say. Better annouce when 3 months away than 4-5 years of developemtn. I can today come up with a homepage of "The best 757 EVER" But following the project for 4-5 years is not fun, and by then competitors may realease better products!!! I am so hayppy this time. J-ROlllosn and Cameron will put the X-plane vs FSX in no debate by releasing the CRJ-200 Seeeing this addong will make no more question! The crj-200 Is the best addon UP today IN ANY SIMULATOR!!!!! SCHHHERSSWSSS!!! CAREMSON AND JROLLON!!! See on FSBreak
  13. meshboy

    Project 3

    Yeah! two or three weeks is definatly on target. I am used to "on target" being for about four years in the MSFS world when talking about addon developement. Airsimmer A320 has been on the "finishline" ,"soon there" for 4,5 years! haha I think the Saab will be a great addon and as i love 3d cockpits i will buy every plane for X-plane that has one!
  14. meshboy

    Project 3

    Thanks for the answer about the FMS. The answer to me is of great satisfaction. What i want is realistic and accurate airplanes like the ones in the real world, and it seems this is going to be made in this way. 747-200 uses older INS system and some other navigation with the Saab and this is the way it is simulated. =) The important thing for me is that it is simulated with accuracy, i don´t want and FMC if the airplanes don´t have them by original =) I can´t belive how short workprocess you developers for X_plane has comparet to the MSFS world. 747-200 out this year maybe?!?!? This is great news! Even if an aircraft hasn´t all 100% function i like the upgrades that can make them more realistic in the future if something isn´t included in the base pack. I will buy all upgrades due to i want as most systems as possible. Happy developlent and thanks for answers!
  15. meshboy

    Project 3

    Yeah x-plane has a bright future infront of it. I have tried the x737 but without the 3D cockpit for me makes no joy, the feeling of being there can only be with a fully-functioned 3d cockpit in my opinion. I have looked at aircraft that are out there like the MU-2 (looks great), but for me it is all about the heavy metal. My dreamfleet is 737,A320,CJR,767,757,777,747 I hope one day i will have all these aircraft with complex systems and great looking 3D cockpits! Happy flying!
  16. meshboy

    Project 3

    Hello all, i am new to X-Plane and comes from the FSX world. I have never liked FSX due to performance but i havent been interested in X-plane either untill 2 month ago. Last time i tried a X-plane demo (about 2 years ago) there was not so much to be impressed in my mind. But now with the CRJ-200 (future A320) and the Saab (future 747) i am no more in FSX and it is X-plane ALL the way. This thing that i like the most in X-plane is that i feel that the aircraft is really flying and second the lightning. The lightning of X-Plane bring real life into the simulator. I am only using 3D aircrafts like PMDG and that is the reason i never tried X-plane. But things are about to change. The CRJ and the Saab/747 looks amazing!!! This is the future! By the way, the most exciting things with X-plane is also the development time, for PMDG it takes 3-4 years to come up with and aircraft and i find it faster development for X-plane. The only question i have is: will it have a realistic FMS? able to follow waypoints and make autoland(if the aircraft has functions like that)? Once again, amazing work and i will buy both the Saab and the 747 direct when it comes out on the market!
  17. Wow john, i ithink that is one superb idéa. then you can crosscheck for the "Basic" operations like, pre-engine start, take-off-landing etc etc. A really good way of confirming that things are the same. If i can help in some way with this, please send me a PM.
  18. This is a DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This aircraft is the BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE IN ANY SIMULATOR!!!!!!!!!! Imagine being on approach to LDDU at night in this baby with all the lighting 8) I hope you can make some sort of deal with Austin, i love X-Plane and think it is much better than FSX, but X-plane has lack of Good PMDG Aircraft with 3D Cockpit (untill now!) For me, the most importand thing is the Aircraft system and visuals and 3D cockpit. Then comes the graphics of the simulator. When this baby comes to X-plane im gona throw my FSX dvd in the trashcan! Can´t wait for this GORGEOUS AIRPLANE!!!! Great work!!!!!!!
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