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About emin0413

  • Birthday 04/13/1994

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    Albuquerque, NM

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  1. Doubtful. And it's not any conversion. I've used parts of the scenery to construct my own scenery for that airport and they have the EXACT same objects and textures, they are unmistakable. I suspect you are working with the company it is from to make their FS sceneries for XP.
  2. Lol, I know that scenery.
  3. In photoshop you go to, Layers>new Adjustment layer>curves It allows you to play with lighting and contrast is a very customizable way. You have more control than the simple contrast slider.
  4. I actually used real pictures of lightning and clouds and put them together, did a lot of playing with layer modes, transparency, and erasing. than I did a lot of lighting with bright colors on certain layer modes with opacities at different places, some sharpening and blurring, Curves adjustment layer, and finally a photo filter. I used the fallowing images- http://photo.accuweather.com/photogallery/2007/5/500/e973857da.jpg (look close in my edit, you can see the tree from this picture in it) http://mayang.com/textures/Nature/images/Clouds/dramatic_clouds_sunset_180093.JPG
  5. did a simple edit- Origional new edited version
  6. emin0413

    Last Flight

    Well other than 777 they don't have anything larger hell put me on any commercial aircraft and I'll be happy They have a 767! And they retired it recently, but the a300 as well.
  7. But with a thousand people plus luggage and fuel, your MTOW would make the range quite a bit lower.
  8. Image was slightly edited.
  9. try mediaconverter.com , you can chose from a variety of formats to download it as.
  10. Yes, they are, they make some of the best MSFS scenery, unfortunately, it doesn't convert through FS2X-plane. They have done airports such as JFK, ORD, DFW, HNL, LAX, FLL and others. I don't expect to see scenery like that from one person but I would love to see some nice scenery for DFW.
  11. http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?board=28.0 go to the work in progress threads. I know this is scenery and not the real thing but these guys made GREAT scenery for DFW. Unfortunately, it will not convert to x-plane. I think that you could use pictures and videos of this scenery as references as well.
  12. When I flew through there, our md80 taxied right by the GA terminal which was a decent size with many aircraft sitting there. I also saw several GA planes taking off as we were waiting to cross runways. I agree that ORBX has a good idea but it takes them about 4 months to create one of those small airports in their level of detail, but they have a team of about 16 working on one of those. the whole ORBX staff consists of over 50 of the best MSFS developers and it still takes them a long time. They have been working on Pacific north west sense late 2008. I would happily offer my help and I know one other person who would jump on board if Ola would like help. I am very good with ground scenery which is a very big component of scenery like ORBX. One place I would like to see for GA VFR flying would be the swiss alps or a hawaiian airport. But I still support KDFW.
  13. Everyone who wants ESSA, there is already payware for it. it is MSFS from aerosoft ( http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/us/iboshop.cgi?showd,5589960880,10723_1 )and converts almost perfectly!I love it and it looks great. If you want ESSA, than you can go to aerosoft. I encourage DFW. This scenery is not only not available for x-plane, but the only MSFS scenery for it doesn't convert, it's one of the busiest airports in the world and I go there a lot so I would love to see it. I am going there this winter and I will take a ton of pictures.
  14. dallas fort worth, honolulu (I'm going to both of these places this christmas and would love to see them), Istanbul, copenhagen, Beijing (I like the MSFS conversion but I would like to see better). That is all.
  15. I second that. Loved the interview. It's cool to hear how Javier got into x-plane and how he goes about his work with Anton.
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