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Everything posted by AngeloM

  1. stunning, simply stunning. Speechless.
  2. Thank you very much Tony for the informations you provided, can't wait to have it when available! Many thanks again! Angelo
  3. Tony, without repeating what others said before about your stunning job (my hat is off to you!), I'm wondering about what you said regarding memory: working on Germany on a system with, let's say, 16Gb ram, do you think there will be still need of disk storage for temporary files (assuming that temp files would be used during the generation)? The use of local storage is a choice done by using one (or more) parameter(s) or it will be managed by the generator in an automatic way? Many thanks in advance! Angelo
  4. Very very funny, thank you very much!!! Angelo
  5. Hi Willzah! Well, as it's windows only I can't try it. I tried multiplayer over internet, speaking about lags I've to say that things were really bad maybe because my upload speed (if I remember well requirement for upload speed on earlier version of XP10 was 1Mbps, fixed on final release but it seems still too high for my connection), no problem at all using NetFlight... but I'll give it a check as soon as they'll make the Mac version, if they ever do. Angelo
  6. +1! Tonka, never seen details such those , excellent job!!! I'm eager to see any progress but, as Scotchegg said, do not take time out of development! Angelo
  7. If all clients must be on the same version I think that NetFlight would be a better choice, same ACF in the same folder too but no problem regarding the use of different x-plane versions. What about lags using Tunngle? Are they noticeable?
  8. Probably on aerosoft site, there's a two-part interview with Eugeny.
  9. Hi Pertti, go into the Rendering Options and check if the box "draw aircraft carriers and frigates" is checked.
  10. Hello, have you tried to start your pc in Safe mode and then trying to delete that folder? Angelo
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