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Rob B.

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Everything posted by Rob B.

  1. watch out Dhruv- im going to be invading MSP airspace coming in hot with no real idea what I am doing in this cockpit LOL> ready the emergency trucks for my landings!!!
  2. I am quite happy, and I am also curious to hear the story of how the team overcame the loss of a key member in development. Im sure it will be told. look I was not aiming to stir the pot, Cam. I know how you feel and you are FAAAAR from alone considering the list of banned I.P. addresses @ the .org I am certainly pleased by the most happy news.
  3. haha I'll give ya that
  4. : to be fair, many of us were frustrated, ??? disappointed and feeling the same way. ( well not so much calling Cameron out by name so to speak that was lame > I concede, strictly regarding the plane I mean to clarify) I am a student pilot, I know not of the mysteries :-X of programming computer systems for X-Plane. to believe one could bite off too much to chew is not beyond the realm of reasonable speculation. if nicholas offers his credit card to buy will you not serve him the same? Cameron, your boastfullness is shameful. sorry. or can I say this post would have its right glory on the rant board LOL
  5. what is this post supossed to mean? how close is the plane really to being complete and on sale? the public demands satisfaction you guys! ;D
  6. I have a highly detailed F-5E fighter jet 3D model that needs animations, and texture work. looking for someone with mad texture and animation skills to help me develop this jet. I have permission from author to develop and distribute as freeware. send all inquires to robbardos@gmail.com cause I don't check my PM's here often.
  7. dont get me wrong, really, but Boeing is rolling out the most amazing new brand spanking new 747-800's so why are we ( figuratively speaking) building a historical relic of an aircraft when we could be doing the cutting edge of style and technology? ???
  8. what about this? http://www.newairplane.com/747/ puhleeeeze?
  9. Javier, Best of wishes to you and your team as this project continues. I hope it will finish with glory and success, and not with cancel! shoot, you could sell what you have already with much limited function and it would probably be OK with most of us as long as we can shoot the ILS with it LOL never mind, hey I am sending my best wishes to you and your team for great success and really think that X-Plane v-10 will be the best personal flight simulator in the history of the world thanks to ppl like you's dedication and persevering.
  10. Jason Chandler has been marketing his x-plane piper, cessna aircraft to UND Aerospace program for training and demonstration purposes. but I also want to say that UND ( university of north dakota for those who dont know) also have a pilot training program that uses the CRJ-200 as a intro aircraft to crewed operations in preparation for students to enter the commercial aviation world. I am certain that you have a product here that would be highly marketable to that college and it might be worth your time to correspond with them. for anyone interested in what UND is doing with x-plane there are a number of podcasts already available for free d/l on i-tunes and on the UND aerospace website. good luck with rest of development, cheers! Rob B, KSTC
  11. there should be a thread dedicated to this question " so, hows the plane coming along? " rofl. anyone agree with me here? ;D
  12. maybe a song to listen to while we wait here together : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK7Bks4XbD4&feature=related hope ya'all like it! Go team ! ya know funny thing is I really dont care for live recordings, but this one is alright IMO.
  13. I love this plane! Glad to hear the date is pushed after Christmas so I'll have money to buy someone else a gift LOL !!!! dude it is looking awesome. my fiancee dosen't even like airplanes and she thinks this is cool as hell.
  14. Rob B.

    Airbus 320

    I dont realy care when It gets finished, I just like to see pretty pictures from japo32 ;D very well.
  15. speechless. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  16. Rob B.

    Airbus 320

    Any news in the last month?
  17. I pledge to make on for posterity's sake. less we forget. who could hate the red-tails? I've been watching as all the red Mesaba Saab 340's get whitewashed by delta liveries. Unrelated yet equally sad is delta canceling service to KSTC. It's all economics. were all nostalgic. the red-tails shall live on in our memories and simulators.
  18. Ola, calm down sport. you don't have to take things to that level bro. over exaggerated. My Turn : Name the plane!
  19. no, I knew you knew that already as it is obvious in your first posting, and I apologize for the digression away from your point. It's disappointing, and a friend of mine from London and I were discussing this a few months ago, that a " best of" contest would not have a panel of qualified members who evaluate product based on quantifiable parameters of design quality, but rather turn it over to the uneducated hordes of children and let them be ultimately the voice of the community when people like you work so hard and professionally...on whole other levels- to basically be marginalized by voices that have no credibility or experience. Oh well, I feel your disappointment. :-\
  20. Tom, let me be straight with you, man to man, look, you have sunk untold sums of money into your education and training and it shines clearly through your works. your a master at modeling. the answer to your question should be fairly obvious. you wanna win? if thats what it's about- then build what the kids want to fly. build them an airbus. or a boeing, or a learjet. it dosent matter. theres alot of kids who want to pretend to be airline captains. and thats all. do you follow me here? let's be honest. there are'nt too many people who know what a sequia falco is. I mean I'm pretty UP on my planes and I never heard of that before you put yours out. so, build obscure and vintage single prop piston ga's if thats what makes you happy. build a jet, or a fast twin prop ( beech-90, seneca) if you want to win a contest..... rightly or wrongly you have to admit I have a point here. did I mention how much I respect your work? personally I'd die if you took me to task and produces a fast twin. all the best- Rob
  21. let me try this another way... Know what Nike, Coca-Cola,Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Continental Airlines, Adidas, uhh... Chevrolet, and well X-plane.org all have in common? Branding! well your site has this too, to an extent. It's obvious why branding is important. people come back to a appealing and familiar brand. listen to me: I did not start this thread to slam your web page! I started it to maybe get some juices flowing as to what we can do to increase this sites popularity. increase user base and show with numbers ol you know who he might not be the only show in town. branding people. I have a degree in graphic arts. let me suggest that, yeah sometime simple works, but what if there was a brand logo that would enhance this site and increase user loyalty, increase traffic and boost this site to a new level. like I said, the biggest companies use this strategy and there is a good reason for it. this sounds like a good opprotunity to have a design contest. just something to think about. I have photoshop and I know how to use it well.
  22. Airbus, I love ya man, and you're doing awesome work with the V/C of this plane. I gotta be honest with you though, I've always found the malibu an ungainly sight and with the turbo-propped snute it is downright homely looking. Well like any homely beast it must have some redeeming characteristics .. ( I would know having first hand experience) so I'll let you carry on with your efforts...all of this is not to say I wouldent welcome the opprotunity to try to fly the beast and see if the ugly is only aluminum skin deep. are you still looking for PICS? I think one of these creatures lives at my FBO's hangar. I could try if you need.
  23. I have a collage professor who came up from KATL where his job was manager of ground OPS and safety for Delta Connection. He is a Crj NUT and is going to go nuts when I let him fly the CRJ for himself in the DC livery.... well it's an interesting story to me : p
  24. I love this place. the administration seems very welcoming and cool. * cough* but this orange and light purple web page is really ugly and making something more attractive would help this place GROW in popularity.
  25. aww Javier, you make me hate November. ;D : o well maybe turkey dinner makes me forget
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