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Everything posted by Anxu

  1. Thanks
  2. I would like to get this one, but as I read the product description I did not see mention of VR. I did a search on this forum as well and nothing came back. So my question is whether this aircraft supports VR and if so if anyone has used it in VR, could you share your feedback? I fly mostly in VR now, as I love the immersion. Thanks in advance. Vu
  3. Excellent news. I have been following this along with the sim engine developer Totoritko earlier but now I am even more excited about the 3D models being developed by LES, an outstanding combination. I have been waiting for a serious sport turbo prop single for a long time. Congrats guys and can't wait.
  4. Nice shots. Cameron, I assume that these shots are taken with default XPX weather download and injecting, RWC just smoothes out the weather change, so that we don't experiance the ridiculous instant change right in front of our eyes, right? Could you elaborate a bit how this RWC will work with Pilot's FSGRW product? Thanks in advance. Vu
  5. Excellent news! I have not flown much of the complex birds in XPX partly due to the hard to use manipulators. Looking forward to this bird as well as potential back port to the SAAB of this feature.
  6. Thanks. I did not know about the FB page, as I am not on FB ;-) It seems to be back online now.
  7. Hi all, It has been more than a week that I was not able to access avsim.com at all. I was wondering whether it's just me or there is a general problem with the site. Thanks Vu
  8. You could consider some in cockpit integration with UFMC. Yes it's not real, but I will take that option. Just a thought.
  9. +2 Have been looking forward to this. Vu
  10. Thanks all for responding. I found the two Garmin windows fonts and installed them, this steps should be in the manual somewhere!. This helps with the text crispness issue. I don't know what text compression setting is, any pointer to where it is? I am still new to X-plane 10 As for the low FPS, it seems to be happening at the default KORD, which does not have any building but seems to have traffic (mine was set at Chicago suburb, I guess it was really at Chicago, LOL) Anyway, I now have 30+ elsewhere. I elected to turn off HDR and use 8x AA instead that also seems to help. Btw, I keep hearing HDR is a must at night, why is that? Also I keep hearing that LR has not worked out all the performance issue with HDR yet. Is that true? The doc says don't use HDR unless your modern graphic card can handle it. Mine is a GTX680, not ultra modern, as in the latest but not too shabby either. What's give? Anyway, back to the plane: so far with the right setup it is a beauty. The MFD and the flight plan is a huge mile ahead compared to the default 430 GPS (when will they fix that? Coming from FSX, the default GPS is just horrible) Thanks Vu
  11. Hello, I just bought the Corvalis yesterday and found that the text label on 2D and 3D cockpit fuzzy and hard to read. In fact they gave me head-ache. I am using 2560x1200 resolution (30 inch) monitor ans extreme texture resolution. My system is a i7-2700K OC to 4.8 GHz, 8 GB of RAM and a GTX780 with 4 GB of VRAM. Also I found the frame rate low: 20-21 with avionics off, which is bizarre: my rendering setting are populated tree, default objects, tons of road and at the default KORD airport with no building. I tried looking in the manual but there is nothing in there. So far this plane is the worse, performance wise. Are there any suggestion? Thanks in advance. Vu Pham
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