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Everything posted by AF380

  1. I've been quiet on this for sometime well not on purpose cause of work and school but, these angry conversations are just funny to look at. with all consideration to michael, keep up the good work and even though the release may not be any time soon. i know this will be above all the best freeware aircraft ever made in xplane. in my opinion at least.
  3. AF380

    log.txt file

    Hello all, So I've decided to fly the A320NEO and it crashes my sim now, i have contacted the developer and they said to give them the "log.txt file" can anyone tell me how to get it? when the sim crashes it just brings up a box saying "send suggestion to x-plane" well something like that. anyways would anyone know how i could get the file? (done some searching on other forums and no luck so just thought i would ask)
  4. AF380


    Go into 3D cockpit view and go to the top of the control panel, should be a button there for yaw damper.
  5. well good luck!!! don't freak out over the missing FMS route
  6. ok excellent, so basically only liveries that are currently flying right now, correct?
  7. looks fabulous!!!!!! excitement!!!! out of curiosity, will you be sticking strictly to real life liveries? as in one that are already out and flying? another is is there a plan for making other livers that companies have purchased the plane but have not been delivered? just wanted to because one of my fav airlines ordered the -900 and plane won't be delivered for some time.
  8. yup no problem, hopefully it answered something. =D
  9. Hey there, I may be able to answer this and i really hope it explains it clearly. When doing transatlantic routes and having experience from doing flight from USA to France i have the same thing that happens. When you installed explain and it asks you to install scenery hopefully u also installed the water regions in between the americas and Europe. this could be one reason why the NAV points are not loading in is because the scenery is not installed and x-plane defaults to water for scenery. Another thing that could contribute, I had the same thing when i flew over canada to europe the waypoints just stop over the ocean then pick back up over land. There could as well be no NAV points over the ocean, eel because its the ocean it would be kinda weird to have floating bouees with NAV points on them wouldn't it? anyways the plane probably only reads the NAV points up to a certain distance before terrain underneath it stops and you feel like your flying blind. Also it is possible for you to fly to your next waypoint with "NON-existant" scenery, though you may endue typing it into the planes FP system just to get it. In all cases with my experience, when i fly from JFK-CDG, my waypoints for my route stop once I'm over water. though since it really isn't much of a mistake the plane just fly along like in real life and i manage to endue somewhere around scandinavia so i know how you feel. I hope this clarified something, maybe a little if not any. i tried, thats what counts. Maybe someone else would have a better explanation on this than i would.
  10. You did address it, it was just way back when the expected date was unsure.
  11. looking back at it all, weren't the A330-340 Planes from them much higher quality then purchasing them from the store? well maybe a little leas but considering the planes were very well rendered from my standpoint makes paywear seam much more useless to purchase. though even if the site was closed and links not available, they should still post up what they have to the .org so others can use their great planes and livers. i was so hoping for several liveries i wanted when they announced it to. Turned out the project just became like the freeware 777 from xp jets. DEAD.
  12. yea i think that its mean or they could at least give off the aircraft and the liveries created for them.
  13. Greetings!!! and welcome. You may wanna try x-plane.org to find some small aircraft. they have quite a good selection for x-plane 9 and 10. 10 also comes with default small aircraft like the ones you mentioned.
  14. http://www.4-shared.eu/search.html?q=x+plane+a330+300&select=All try this if it leads you to the same page, go to the search bar and type "x-plane a330 300 GE" and it should pop up with links to the 300GE and 300RR hope it helped =D
  15. yea, its on that website but looks like the file didn't come up. search around for it the creator is x-plane paint shop they created the plane files, but since their website is dead you may wanna try searching around on that site i know its there. if not then the only option is to buy is from peter.
  16. Sounds awesome =D can't wait for it!!!!!!!!
  17. That was an AWESOME VIDEO!!!!! =D, Would there be any release of just a plain white version like in the video ahead of liveries? or they all come out at once?
  18. I found this scavenging around the net, planes are downloadable and original author XPP http://www.4-shared.eu/look_for.html?q=x+plane&page=11 only the A330-300 GE and PW variant though
  19. i have no idea if the modifier is stil up or bot but i wanted several liveries they announced would be release on the "new website" which now theres is non because the project was cancelled. I still have an A333, A332, A343 though. would much like to get addition up to date liveries on the aircraft.
  20. Ok, i don't know if any of you use XPP A330-340s but, they just announced that the project is dead. I know that the planes may not be that good compared to the 787 or 767 freeware but theirs was pretty damn good. Glad i still kept some of the planes, but i can't help but wonder why they stopped it. i mean they were making a bunch of new liveries i would like on the new website they were building but i don't understand whys they gave up i hope the 787 won't be a project people will give up on like thee XPP or 777 from XPJ
  21. GUYS!!!! this calls for celebration!!!! =D
  22. One way i use the FMS is i go to the website www.vataware.com and there you can plug in the destination "from-to" and it gives you a list of waypoints that is your route. you can then go to simeroutes.com and just copy the waypoints of vataware and enter then into the simroutes system and there you have the FP. all you gotta do is tell it which format you want it in. this is if you want Fps already created, if your trying manual then this might not be of use to you. happy flying hope it helps.
  23. have you tried reloading the airport/aircraft? sometimes it helps or just switch to another aircraft and see what happens.
  24. Wow, not much action going on in here, so how goes the 787 project? =D
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