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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/2024 in File Reviews

  1. 1 point
    What an awesome livery! Thank you very much
    1 point
    Great work fidi, truly remarkable looking paint job. The cabin is especially beautiful and adds the to livery! Highly recommend!
    1 point
    Great paint! Thank you very much for your time in painting this!
    1 point
    Another extremely beautiful one! When will this guy stop? My harddisk is getting full!
    1 point
    could u please make a delta airlines one please
    1 point
    Thank you for the great livery! Danke!
    1 point
    For accurate cockpit placards: Source: https://jetpano.speedlight.at/air_independence/awbf/index.html
    1 point
    Amazingly well done livery! By the way, could you please provide a version without the registration? Thanks in advance and congratulations for the work!
    1 point
    Nice one! Small request, is there a way to remove the QS on the engines? Netjets Europe just got their first CL650 a few days ago (CS-CLA). CS-CLA | Bombardier CL-600-2B16 Challenger 650 | NetJets Europe | Pol Boleda-Spotters BCN-El Prat | JetPhotos
    1 point
    Absolutely beautiful livery. Excellently made with the metallic stripe
    1 point
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